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The Female Body with Kara Sutra

This is a great video from Kara Sutra that goes into self-exploration of the female body.  I really like when she talks about where the urethra is in conjunction to the clitoris and vagina opening, noting that some women think they pee out of their clit or vagina.  Actually, I have to admit that for a long time I thought I peed out of my clit as my urethra is so close to it, and it felt like the same feeling.  That’s why videos like these are very valuable.  Thank you Kara Sutra for sharing your insight and laughter with everyone!

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SexEd 102 on BlipTv

Kara Sutra on YouTube

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4 Responses

  1. Merry says:

    This is a really good sex ed video. Wish I had seen this in high school. Even as an adult(now) I learned from watching it. Thank you.

  2. Lori says:

    Hi DominaDoll. Just found your blog and I LOL over the “misconception” of where the pee comes from!

    • Lori says:

      (This is a continuation of the last post)
      I had my own misconceptions: I remember wondering what that thing was sticking out above the pee-hole (my clit, of course). I decided, it was there to keep the pee from spraying all over, kind of like a little splash guard or something. Pretty funny, eh?
      Not too much later I discovered its real function.

      • Domina Doll says:

        Hi Lori and Welcome! Yes, it is pretty funny. It is so weird because I do have anatomical charts of the female genitals, and also saw many online… And, I kept thinking. Why are the putting the pee hole there? That is wrong. Am I the only one who knows that we pee out of our clit!? Sadly, I even told a woman when I worked at the sex shop where I worked that her pee hole was her clit. So she most likely when home and tried to vibrate her pee hole!

        I like yours better though. A splash guard. Perfect! Ha! I am glad that we both finally figured it out though. It makes me wonder why, in Sex Ed, I wasn’t taught clearly, the parts of the female anatomy. They should really go into what the clit is a bit more. I don’t even think they mentioned the clit when I was in grade 4 sex ed class. Just the vagina & the urethra, so perhaps that is where my long held misconception came from!

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