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Strange Friendships

I had this friend in high school with whom I had a pretty intense and tumultuous friendship. We became really good friends really fast, but there was also this underlying current of jealousy and competitiveness between the two of us. She had the kind of personality that attracted people to her like tiny little moths continually burning themselves on the bright porch light. She wasn’t a bad person, but she did turn out to be a pathological liar. Oh the lies that she told were plenty and marvelous. I never doubted her once, I was much too in love with her. As a friend I should had, a fact that happened to spur on a strange sequence of events.

When I was younger, my friends were my life. I literally would have done anything for my closest friends with no questions asked. I thought those friendships were everything. I was addicted to certain people’s presence in my life like a drug and this devotion got me burned more than once. One night when we had drunk one too many bottles of wine, I found myself telling them how much I loved them. Now, I didn’t give this particular moment much thought, but my best friend (the pathological liar) however got it into her messed up teenage brain that I was in love with her with a capital L. An assumption that she then went on to share with the entire school. Prompting all the girls to shun me for my “lesbianism”.

High school kids can be cruel, especially when they attack you for something that shouldn’t even be an issue. I was put in the delicate position of wanting to defend myself from this forced exile, but also unwilling to chose the route of “it’s not true”. Who cared whether it was true or not, that wasn’t the damn point. It eventually blew over by itself with time, but the damage had been done. I couldn’t bring myself to blindly trust this person anymore and that is when everything else unravelled and I realized just how many lies she had told me.

The funny thing is, considering what I just told you, is that I was involved in two threesomes with this girl. Both of which she instigated. The first one was before any of this other stuff came to light, a few people were hanging out at my house and everyone ended up sleeping over. I shared my double bed with her, her twin brother and our best friend. I happened to have a crush on this friend of ours, but apparently so did she. The conversation we held in the dark somehow became very suggestive, which prompted her brother to leave the room for reasons of personal sanity.

Now we were three and there was no danger of accidental incest by proxy. She kissed him first and then invited me to do the same. I hesitate but dove in open to experiencing something new. We took turns kissing him never touching each other. I remember feeling increasingly uncomfortable and turned off by the sounds of them kissing in the dark. I left my own bed and joined her brother in the guest room where we both lied in silence weirded out by the nights events. We were fifteen at the time and all virgins.

The second time it happened was after the whole “I think you’re hot for my bod incident”. She had moved away, and was visiting for the weekend. We were seventeen and out on the town for some fun. We spent the night in a bar drinking and having a great time. As it happened, there was a guy there that I liked and of course she decided to turn her eyes on him as well. Again she instigated a three way flirt. Suggesting, hinting and pushing us all to have a threesome. It became sort of a dare. Who would go furthest? I was never one to back down.

The bar closed and the three of us lingered outside. This poor guy thought he had won the lottery and wanted to make it happened before his chance slipped away. I walked ahead of him, turning backwards to see them following me. I may have said something along the lines of: “be my master and I’ll be your puppet”. Writing it down now makes me kind of cringe, what a cliche thing to say, but you know what it did the trick. They followed me into a secluded alley way in the bar’s parking lot where she and I glued our bodies to his.

I was leaning against the wall with his body pressed against mine, his cock growing against my lower stomach, our lips crushed together and tongues searching for the perfect rhythm. She was pressed against his back, her arms wrapped around his body, her mouth searching for his neck. During a particular delicious moment, she pulled back and exclaimed  “You’re touching me!”. Awakening from my daze, my only response was “Huh?”. He appeared to catch on quickly, since he told “Those are my hands”. You see, he had been reaching around to touch her and she had assumed it was me. You’d think that someone who was so paranoid to be touched by me would stop instigating threesomes in my company.

I focused my attention on the fun I was having and ignored her misgivings. She chose this moment, to announce that she had her period and that we should go home. I was beyond caring. By then, he had slumped to the ground, leaning against the adjacent wall and I had taken the opportunity to straddle him and grind myself against his hard dick to my never ending pleasure and delight. Unfortunately she wouldn’t be ignored and since she had decided to leave, I could no longer have any fun. I was dragged home by a disgruntled friend away from the warn and hard spot my cunt was yearning for. Nevertheless, I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Will you?

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16 Responses

  1. Domina Doll says:

    Sounds like she was a bit of a troublemaker on purpose. I think she liked the “lesbian” attention as well, but had to “blame” you for it, even though she was the one instigating it.

    Just two years ago I had a friend who was a pathological liar, like yours. Actually, she was a con artist, and turned out to be a cut-throat bitch to boot. But, I’m very trusting and like to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when my inner voice cries “NO!” and it is against my better judgment. However… I digress. Several times while she was very drunk she came on to me, sitting in my lap, rubbing me up, kissing me. I responded half-heartedly, no because I wasn’t attracted to her, but because I didn’t want to take advantage of her drunk. I’d put her to bed and tell her to sleep it off. The next day, she’d pretend, or forget coming on to me and I wouldn’t say anything about it. She was also wildly competitive when it came to any guys we knew, including my partner and a guy I had a crush on. I know she had sex with “him” (crush-boy) even though she said they were only cuddling out in my barn all night in his sleeping bag…

    End of story. I never had sex with her, and it ended up that she back-stabbed me in another issue and I finally broke all contact with her. She was poison in my life. Not a particularly sexy story, but the truth I swear 😉

  2. Kayla says:

    I used to have a female friend back when I was still a teenager. She was pretty emotional (we all were at that age) but I really helped her through it. We both depended on each other quite a bit, but she depended upon me a lot more than I did her. Through time, she actually came to have a crush on me, and as we did, we both started to be more sexual with each other. We both had never done it before, and I insisted on no kissing since I wanted my first kiss to be with a boy, but we still had a lot of fun. We’d make-out in the school bathroom and in her parent’s kitchen. We’d spend all sorts of time together – sometimes taking pictures.

    After we’d been doing this for a long time, it became more of a power-exchange relationship. She wanted to give up her control, and I wanted to take it. It turned her on to be held down when we played, so I did. She wanted to be called my toy, so I called her that. She enjoyed just being, in general, my submissive, and I enjoyed having her there. This was all new to her, so it was always a confusing part of her life. We worked through all the new things together, though. She was just still as emotional as always, and actually started cutting (not due to what we were doing), and actually, when I commanded her to stop doing it, she did, so our relationship must have been good for something.

    After awhile, I started to get scared. She was becoming very dependent on me, and I didn’t know if I could continue to keep up her expectations, so I started to push her away. I’d still play with her, but I didn’t spend the time with her that I used to. In fact, one night, I just plainly told her that she wasn’t as important to me as other people were and that is really were all the play and our friendship really died. I felt horrible about it, as it was a horrid thing to say, but what was done was done. She found her own boyfriend, and I stayed along, and we never really rekindled what we’d had.

    Now that I’ve grown up, I wish I could talk to her. I can get ahold of her, but she’s never interested in talking about what happened. I wish I could tell her that our relationship formed my interest in BDSM. I wish I could tell that I was just scared, and I didn’t mean to hurt her like I did – especially with as attached as she was. I wish I could tell her that I was stupid not to kiss her. I wish I could apologize to her and still have the friendship that we would have had. But I can’t. Now I have to live with it. And that’s my confession.

    • You could always send her a letter. Even if she doesn’t respond at least you would have told her what you needed to say. (The way you ordered her to stop cutting herself reminds me of the movie Secretary.) I mean, if anything, it would probably be good for her to hear that you didn’t mean to hurt her like you did. People say cruel things sometimes, but it’s never too late to do something about it. Thanks for the confession.

    • Domina Doll says:

      I agree with Olga about trying to send her a letter. She may be very touched by it. When we are young it is hard to understand complex emotions like that, so she will perhaps forgive you?

  3. naturegirl says:

    My story is one of a friendship made then lost all too soon. Like yours Olga, it involves a relationship with another female, but in our case we managed to consummate it. I also learned a lot about myself….

    When I was twenty, I had finished my first lot of studies & started my 1st job in a hospital in London. After finishing at college I moved back in with my parents & did the daily commute across the capital to work. I had also been dating this guy for nigh on 7 months & things were getting serious, although I should add that the relationship was tempestuous to say the least! We had frequent rows & fell out regularly but always made up within a day or two & usually involving passionate lovemaking. However on this particular occasion we had a HUGE argument & said some pretty horrible stuff to each other & he basically blew me out.
    I waited for the inevitable phone call of apology, but it didn’t come. A week, then two went by & I became quite miserable. However my friends talked me out of calling him as they felt A: it was his fault (as usual) & B: I was best rid of him! I then entered what I call my “all men are bastards” phase & got on with my life with my friends. But I still missed him a bit & occasionally became thoughtful! My friends decided that what I needed was a girly night out. The three of us decided to go straight from work that Friday evening & a fourth was going to join us, a girl called Sue who I had met before at a couple of parties. I liked her, we had much in common, she was a bit older than the rest of us at 25 but she mixed in very well.
    The evening didn’t go quite to plan, but in a nice way! We meant to have an Italian (meal, that is!) then go to a night club, but the meal, the service, the waiter (v dishy!) made us stay in the restaurant way too long so we didn’t get to the club. Sadly, the time for us to make our separate ways home came too soon, we all had late night public transport to negotiate, so we headed to the nearest tube station. It was then that Sue had the idea of us all going back to her place, she lived alone in an apartment in suburbia, my two usual friends had either husband or dog to get home to so declined, but I was up for it ( a quick phone call to my parents was in order as they still felt that at 20 I was not to be trusted on my own in London!!! I woke them, which didn’t help my cause!).
    We got to her place around 12:30 am & she promptly cracked open a bottle of red wine.
    We chatted & laughed until well gone 1 am, when she asked me what sort of sleeping arrangements I preferred. Now, I was more than happy to share a bed with her as her sofa was a strict 2 seater, so I asked to borrow a nighty as I didn’t want to sleep in the underwear I had been wearing since 7:30 am the previous day then go home in it later!! She informed me she didn’t have a nighty as she preferred to sleep naked but she thought she had an old kaftan somewhere I could borrow & went off in search. While she rummaged about in the airing cupboard I nosed around in her record collection, which was a mistake. She had similar tastes to my ex & that made me maudlin. When she emerged with the kaftan she found me a bit dewy eyed & she came over to me & said “whatever’s wrong?” I told her what was going through my mind & she put an arm round my shoulder, which promptly set me off! She cuddled me & kissed my forehead & I just put my arms around her as it felt so comforting. When I was over that bit of emotion, we got ready for bed (she put on a baggy Tshirt to spare my feelings, but it was barely long enough to cover her adequately, she had to keep her arms down!!). We got into bed & she switched the light off. She then asked me if I was ok in hushed tones & started to comb my hair with her fingers to relax me, something I love, though how she knew that was beyond me, intuition I guess!
    After a while she stopped & I felt her snuggle down under the duvet. Now this bit will sound like the script from a cheesy porn movie, it just goes to show that life sometimes imitates art! I reached out behind me (i was lying on my side with my back to her) with the intention of squeezing her hand to say thank you, but what I actually found was the top of her exposed thigh & a handful of pubic hair! I pulled my hand away & stammered an embarrassed apology, to which I got an unexpected reply of “Pitty, I thought my luck was in”. Now, I didn’t know if Sue was serious or just kidding to defuse a potentially embarrassing situation! Up to this point, my experience of intimate contact with another girl was limited to the typical experimental teenage fumblings of a 13/14 year old. A girl at the end of my street & I had indulged a bit of “show me yours & I’ll show you mine” that subsequently spilled over into ” let me touch yours & I’ll let you touch mine”. All very innocent & very enjoyable, but it could hardly be described as sex! Yes, it fuelled my masturbatory fantasies for a while & it did sow a seed that took until this night to germinate. However, here in bed with Sue I contemplated sex with another woman for the first time. I just needed to know if she was serious.
    I turned over to look at her face to try & get a clue but the room was in darkness, the only light was from a streetlamp outside that was getting in through a gap in the curtains. Sue’s wonderful intuition came into play here, she raised herself up a bit & gently kissed me on the mouth. Nothing passionate, just a lovely kiss with closed lips. But as she did so, she raised her free hand & softly caressed my cheek. That was the signal I wanted. I returned her kiss & this time our lips parted. My arousal was instantaneous, evidenced by that warm, oily slick sensation in my loins. She sat up & discarded her Tshirt, I had to get out of bed to remove the more cumbersome kaftan & as I did so, Sue got out of bed & went over to the window to open the curtains. That provided a wonderful, warm glow in the room, very sensual!
    We got back into bed & our hands were all over each other’s bodies, however, Sue was clearly the experienced party in this clinch, so I just let her take charge. She seemed to take ages to reach the part I desperately wanted her to get to! But when she did, it was divine. My arousal was such that her fingers just seemed to glide into me. I didn’t need to guide her at all, she knew exactly how to touch me, she played me like I was a musical instrument in the hands of a maestro. When she moved down my body, I realised she was about to go down on me. Her tongue weaved magic on my clitoris, within minutes I was on my way to a shattering climax. I know I came, but she just took it in her stride.
    Having pleasured me to such a satisfying conclusion, she came back up the bed & kissed me again, before cuddling in to me. I felt that I had to reciprocate & took my turn to explore her more intimately, it was gratifying to discover that she was as aroused me. I used the techniques on her that I would have used on myself & they seemed to work! She squirmed & writhed to my touch pushing herself down onto my hand. I slid down her front until my cheek was resting on her pubic hair, all the while working my fingers inside her. She obligingly raised her knees so that her legs fell naturally apart & I took my first taste of another woman. I was mildly surprised to discover that she tasted broadly the same as me. Not being in any way knowledgeable, I just tried to replicate the tongue strokes she had used on me & while the soft gasps & sighs suggested she was enjoying my efforts, I couldn’t be certain if she climaxed! At some point she just tensed up then relaxed noticeably, but she made no noise, unlike me!
    I moved back up & propped myself up on one elbow & she kissed me then snuggled down as if to go to sleep. Sleep, however, was the LAST thing on mt mind! My mind was racing, I wanted to talk to her about what had just happened, but she just drifted off. I was left to think about my feelings, my sexuality, my future even! Not the best way to get to sleep, but eventually I must have gone off, because I was woken by the sensation of movement next to me as Sue got out of bed to close the curtains as it was now daylight but I’ve no idea what time. She got back into bed quietly & I guess we both must have gone back to sleep. I woke again & found my watch, it was gone mid-day this time & I got up, found the discarded kaftan & went to the bathroom. After emptying my bladder I flushed, put the kaftan back on & crept into the kitchen to make some tea. While I waited for the kettle to boil & daydreamed about the night’s events & was startled when I heard a whispered “hi” as Sue popped her head round the door on her way to the bathroom. She came into the kitchen (still naked!) after she had peed & asked me if I was coming back to bed. I carried the two mugs of tea back into the bedroom to find Sue sat up in bed with the duvet up to her waist so I handed her a mug & sat myself on the bed next to her. I was feeling a bit vulnerable I suppose, so I kept the kaftan on, but Sue was clearly feeling full of the joys of spring & in a good mood. I was comparatively quiet & pensive, staring into my mug of tea, so Sue used that razor sharp intuition yet again & said” come onJools, what’s eating you?”
    I replied “Since you ask, I’m trying to come to terms with what happened last night. Don’t misunderstand me, I really wanted to do what we did once it dawned on me where things were going. It’s just that in the cold light of day I don’t know what to make of it”
    What she said next had a profound influence on my outlook on life.
    “Why try to analyse it, I think I can safely say we both enjoyed what we did, we are just two people who happened to enjoy each other’s bodies last night, nothing more. You haven’t become a lesbian overnight, ok, I’m (meaning her) bisexual & you (meaning me) have probably got bisexual tendencies, but what we did was something we both needed, you probably more than me. That’s all. It may happen again, it may not, but just think, you’ll have something really interesting to tell the grandchildren!”
    And with that, it became so much clearer to me, Her pragmatic wisdom put it all into perspective.
    She then said “I’m going to run a bath for the two of us”
    “Why, do we smell?” I tried to joke! She got back out of bed &(still naked!) went into the bathroom & I heard her turn on the taps & the bathtub start to fill. She popped her head back round the bedroom door & said ” keep an eye on the water & choose a bubble bath, there’s a selection on the shelf. I’m starving, fancy some toast?” I nodded yes & went to the bathroom.
    When the bath was ready I lowered myself into it & lay back in the hot water, relaxing more now that things were straight in my mind. After a few minutes Sue appeared with a tray of hot buttered toast & fresh mugs of tea. As we munched our way through breakfast we talked about what plans we had for the rest of the weekend, it was as if nothing unusual had happened the night before, just a normal conversation between two friends. When she had finished, Sue got me to slide forward in the tub & she sat on the edge of the bath with her feet in the water & washed my back for me. I got out & dried myself off as Sue got into the tub after me. I draped the towel over a radiator & sat on the edge of the tub (feet outside though) to return the favour & washed her back. After, we made our way back to the bedroom, I retrieved my clothes, Sue took over the kaftan!
    My leaving was a bit awkward, I felt that what we had shared the night before warranted something more passionate than the peck on the cheek we exchanged, yet why? It’s not as if we were going to be in anything more involved than a friendship after all. Her last words were “stop thinking about it & just enjoy it!”
    But the walk to the underground station went just a bit better, my step had a spring to it!

    There is an apendix to this, the following Saturday, Colin (the “bastard”) phoned & pleaded with me to give our relationship another go. Foolishly, I did and 9 months later we got married. My friends, including Sue were there, she was with a guy. With hindsight that marriage was a mistake, by 1981 we were separated. Sue announced in 1978 that she was moving to Scotland with her man, I got Christmas cards from her for two years then we lost touch. I will always be grateful for her wisdom & tenderness, she taught me more than she realises.

    • Domina Doll says:

      Whoa! It’s getting steamy in here. Great story. Too bad the two of you lost touch though…

    • She sounds like a great women.

      Re: Colin….ah, hindsight what a doubled edged sword you are.

      I always found it strange the way people lose touch. I mean two people who are friends and mean the world to each other and then just drift out of each other’s lives. It’s an interesting part of life, how we all weave in and out of other people’s sphere of existing. Aie, with that tidbit of wisdom I’m off to bed.

  4. Sarahbear says:

    When I was fifteen a friend of mine spent the night. I had been sneaking out of the house for over two years at this point to see my boyfriends, and she knew it. She was really interested in a guy and I sort of liked his friend. She had been on the phone with him most of the evening when she suggested we both sneak over to see them.

    Shortly after my grandmother went to bed we shimmied out the window and ran across the yard to hop in the backseat of his black car. They let us have a couple of wine coolers on the way back to his house. We all headed back to his bedroom to watch a movie and it didn’t take long at all for things to get pretty heavy. My friend and her boy were on one side of the bed making out and then the guy I liked made his move. We wound up having sex with the guys in the same bed. It was awkward and strange, but very hot at the same time.

    Unfortunately the condom broke on them and she got pregnant, later having his baby and quitting high school. He was very controlling and we lost touch until they recently broke up. She’s doing well now. We never talk about that night.
    .-= Sarahbear´s last blog ..Review: Tenga Flip Hole =-.

  5. Robin says:

    College wasn’t filled with experimental phases for me, but there was one experience that I will never forget. I had a good male friend who was homosexual. We’ll call him John. John was not the stereotypical gay man. He was bulky and very masculine. We connected because I had more guy in me than he had woman. We were nursing a couple of hangovers one Sunday morning over breakfast at the cafeteria when I had the surprise of my life.

    “So what did you think of Chris?” he asked. His latest boyfriend had been at the party last night and was still in John’s room sleeping.

    I shrugged. “He seemed really nice. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him much with the noise and then he passed out.” I had actually taken a double look at him when they arrived at my door to pick me up. He was one of those “why do all the hot men have to be gay?” guys. I wasn’t about to admit that I was attracted to my best friend’s boyfriend, especially when there was no chance of anything coming of it.

    I had noticed that he watched me at the party. I wrote it off to jealousy at first. I had a habit of hanging on John if I wasn’t in the mood to be picked up by some guy. By the end of the night I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but I wasn’t going to say anything to John.

    “He’s different than me,” John said.

    I stopped my fork in the air, whip cream dripping off of my waffle. “What do you mean?”

    John leaned back in his chair. “I mean he swings both ways.”

    I shrugged again. “That’s cool.”

    “He wants to hook up with you.”

    I let my fork drop down to my plate. “Say what?”

    “He wants to know if you would be interested in a threesome.”

    “How do you feel about it?” I asked him. There was no way I was going to ruin my friendship with him over another guy.

    “I’m ok with it. I’ve been kinda curious what it would be like to have a threesome.” He paused. “with you.”

    “There’d have to be rules. I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

    He smiled. “NO guy is worth you.”

    It was at that moment that Chris decided to join us. He sat down and without taking his eyes off of me, he said, “You talk to her?”

    “Yeah, we were just working out a few details.”

    Chris reached across the table and took my hand. “I am really going to enjoy this, having my boy and this beautiful woman.”

    “So when did you want to…” I asked.

    “Well, I have to leave in a few hours to go home, but I could come back down next weekend and we can go out.”

    I nodded. “Okay.”

    The next weekend came quicker than I thought. On Friday night, I found myself standing in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection. I had dressed up. If I were to be honest with myself, I would have to say that I had dressed for sex. My mini skirt was beyond mini and my pink halter top left very little to the imagination. To top it all off, I had decided forgo underwear. I was grateful that my roommate had taken the weekend to go home. I couldn’t imagine what she would say if she knew what was going to happen. I was pulling on my fuck-me boots when they knocked on my door.

    The night started off without a hitch. We went to a party that was happening off campus and danced and drank. Chris made no effort to hide that he was with both of us. I think he reveled in the fact that he had two people’s attention. I noticed early in the night that while John would dance with me, he avoided making any physical contact. Chris, however, was all over me. I could feel his enlarged dick pressing against my ass as he danced behind me. His hands started to roam from my hips downward and soon his fingers were skimming the hem of my skirt. I felt moisture gathering between my thighs and knew that there would be no going back. It wasn’t long after that Chris grabbed both of our hands and pulled us out onto the balcony. I had been very loose with the beer and was several sheets to the wind and feeling very horny. I grabbed a hold of John and forced him to hold me.

    “I’m ready to go home,” I said.

    “Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly.

    “If there isn’t a dick in me within the next hour, I am going to explode,” I slurred.

    We stumbled back to the dorms. Once inside John’s room, I found myself standing in the middle looking around as if I had never seen it before. Everything that I had looked at a thousand times now meant something different. The desk wasn’t for studying. Tonight, I would bend over it or sit on it and get fucked. The couch wasn’t for sitting. It too would be fucked on tonight. I admit, I hesitated for a moment. This was not exactly how I pictured my first threesome to be. Despite it being me and two guys. I wasn’t going to be the center of attention, Chris was. Suddenly, he was behind me. I looked back and realized that he had already shed his clothes and his penis was jutting straight out.

    “So, how are we going to…” I started.

    Without looking away from me, he said, “John, come over here.” Before I knew it both men, stark naked were in front of me.

    “Lay down on the floor,” he instructed me. Still fully clothed I laid down and waited. He knelt down beside me, his dick pointing out just above my mouth and then pushed John to stand on the other side of me. He placed my hands on his cock and waited for me to start fondling before he then stroked John. John closed his eyes and leaned his head back, losing himself in the sensation and most likely forgetting I was even there. I quickly grew tired of all the giving and not receiving anything in return. I was wet beyond belief and wanted release.

    I took charge and rearranged us so that I was sitting on the desk; my legs spread wide and pulled Chris down so his face was in my cunt. At this point I didn’t really care what John did with Chris so long as he didn’t remove him from me. Chris took a few licks before he began to devour me. I could feel the pressure of his mouth alternating between soft and hard and I realized that it was a result of John pounding into him from behind. I laid back on the desk and closed my eyes reveling in the new sensations being created by the threesome. I never thought being with two guys like this would be a turn on, but it wasn’t long before I came.

    Chris pulled back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He reached behind him and patted John on the cheek. As if taking some cue John pulled out and stepped back, allowing Chris to pick me up and drop me on the couch on my knees, my bare ass high in the air. Without a moment’s hesitation, Chris plunged into me, with John close behind him. Chris became like a ping pong ball, bouncing back and forth between John and me. John would push him away as he pulled out and I would buck back after taking him in. It became a frantic game. I don’t know how long it took or who actually came first, but soon all three of us were spent and both men fell forward on top of me. The weight was nearly unbearable but I was too exhausted to care. I closed my eyes and fell into a black oblivion.

    A few hours later I woke up while being carried to bed by John. Confused, but content, I nuzzled into my best friend’s shoulder. He had been so stand offish since I started touching Chris that I feared our friendship had suffered, but here he was, tucking me into bed and climbing in beside me. I scanned the room for Chris and found him passed out on couch, still stark naked. It was in that moment that I wished John was the bisexual. I would have given anything for him to be the one to have pleasured me. I tucked my head into his arm and fell back asleep, dreaming of it being that way.

    We hung out the rest of the weekend, but there was no more sex. Chris went back home on Sunday morning and John and I went back to being best friends, only closer now it seemed. We had shared something more than Chris, though I wasn’t sure what it was. Chris and John eventually stopped seeing each other and I lost touch with John after college. I sometimes wonder what kind of relationship we could have had, the three of us, but then I remember how much I loved John and that it probably never would have worked out the way it should have.

  6. Robin says:

    In college, my best friend, John and I were nursing a couple of hangovers one Sunday morning over breakfast at the cafeteria when he asked me to have a threesome with him and his boyfriend. Chris was one of those “why do all the hot men have to be gay?” guys and I guess lucky for me, he went both ways. We agreed to get together the following weekend.

    If I were to be honest with myself, I would have to say that night I had dressed for sex. My mini skirt was beyond mini and my pink halter top left very little to the imagination. I had even decided to forgo underwear. We went to a party off campus. Chris made no effort to hide that he was with both of us, but I noticed early in the night that while John avoided making any physical contact. Chris was all over me. I could feel his dick pressing against my ass as he danced behind me. His hands started to roam, his fingers were skimming the hem of my skirt. I felt moisture gathering between my thighs. It wasn’t long after that Chris pulled us out onto the balcony. I had been very loose with the beer and feeling very horny. I grabbed a hold of John and forced him to hold me.

    “I’m ready to go home.”

    “Are you sure?” he asked.

    “If there isn’t a dick in me within the next hour, I am going to explode.”

    We stumbled back to the John’s room. I admit, I hesitated for a moment. This was not exactly how I pictured my first threesome to be. Despite it being me and two guys. I wasn’t going to be the center of attention, Chris was. Suddenly, he was behind me. I looked back and realized that he had already shed his clothes and his penis was jutting straight out.

    “So, how are we going to…” I started.

    He said, “John, come over here.” Before I knew it both men, stark naked were in front of me.

    “Lay down on the floor,” he instructed. He knelt down beside me and pushed John to stand on the other side. He placed my hands on his cock and waited for me to start fondling before he then stroked John. John closed his eyes, losing himself in the sensation and most likely forgetting I was even there. I quickly grew tired of all the giving and not receiving anything in return. I wanted release.

    I sat on the desk; my legs spread wide and pulled Chris’s face down in my cunt. He took a few licks before he devoured me. I could feel the pressure of his mouth alternating between soft and hard and realized that it was a result of John pounding into him from behind. I closed my eyes reveling in the new sensations being created by the threesome. I never thought being with two guys like this would be a turn on, but it wasn’t long before I came.

    Chris pulled back. As if taking some cue John pulled out, allowing Chris to pick me up and drop me on the couch on my knees, my bare ass high in the air. Chris plunged into me, with John close behind him. Chris became like a ping pong ball, bouncing back and forth between John and me. John would push him away as he pulled out and I would buck back after taking him in. It became a frantic game. I don’t know how long it took or who actually came first, but soon all three of us were spent and both men fell forward on top of me. The weight was nearly unbearable but I was too exhausted to care.

    I woke up while being carried to bed by John. He had been so stand offish since I started touching Chris that I feared our friendship had suffered, but here he was, tucking me into bed and climbing in beside me. It was in then that I wished John was the bisexual. I would have given anything for him to be the one to have pleasured me. I tucked my head into his arm and fell back asleep, dreaming of it being that way.

    We hung out the rest of the weekend, but there was no more sex. Chris went back home on Sunday morning and John and I went back to being best friends, only closer now it seemed. We had shared something more than Chris, though I wasn’t sure what.

  7. Domina Doll says:

    Great story. I have always wanted to have sex with a gay or bi guy. Two at once must have been outstanding. Sounds like they enjoyed the novelty of having you as well. Lucky guys! Good to hear you and John are still friends as well. Sex can sometimes ruin a friendship.

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