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Should You Have Sex With Someone You Just Met?

nightclub dating

What to do when people approach you for sex?

You can read a lot on the internet about how to seduce and chat people up, may it be for love or just sex; but what happens when someone asks you out and you don’t even notice it? It might sound pretty obvious to some but for others, it is the stress of the situation that sometimes makes us miss on the most obvious signs. The reality is that you’ve probably been asked for sex before but you either didn’t get the hint or you were simply too timid to act upon it. But maybe timidity isn’t the only thing, perhaps the time was inappropriate? Let’s look at a few situations.

Getting approached in nightclubs and bars.

When you’re on a night out, you’re generally ready to have some fun. The alcohol will often be a factor in making you react faster, or slower if you’ve really had a few too many. Generally speaking though, you can spot when a woman or man is looking at you from the other side of the bar. Before you even know it, you’re offering them a drink; and they make it quite clear they want to take that party somewhere else. Some of us will simply follow the person, whilst others will try to at least notify their friends that they are leaving the club. You don’t always go out alone, and telling your friends what you are up to is a good way for them to know you’re safe (-ish) without them having to look for you later on. People in this situation will often take a taxi either back home with that person, or follow that person home. If you feel too shy for this, it is okay not to do anything about it. Sometimes you know that you’re too drunk and that it is best that you go home. Maybe that person asking you for sex looks too drunk too, and that is a very good point. You don’t want to take advantage if you are not in a similar state yourself, and the sex probably won’t be great anyway.

Getting approached in the streets

Now granted that doesn’t happen often; but there are some people out there who will approach you at the most random and unexpected moments. Ever been approached by a horny couple in a car late at night when walking back from the local 24/7 convenience store? This might sound too good to be true but those things happen. The difference between that and a nightclub or bar is that you really don’t expect it; you get caught off-guard. Now as tempting as it might be to follow those people who randomly approach you, it is best not too; and here is why. You’re not prepared, you don’t know those people, and your brain is simply not switched on to react in the right way. You might feel such a rush of excitement, like a naughty dream come true; but your horniness should not get in the way of good judgement. What kind of people would approach random stranger from their car late at night? They’re up to no good we know that, but it might just be the wrong type of no-good. You don’t know where they will take you, and quite frankly whether you will make it back alive. So even if you’re very excited, remember your survival instincts; say no and make it home safe!

Getting approached online

Now this is a different kettle of fish altogether. If you’re subscribing to an adult dating site and people send you sex messages, then you will want to take their offer into consideration. Just take the time to speak to the people online, have a few chats before the two of you feel it is safe to meet and have sex together. Adult dating and looking for local nymphos at No Strings Sex (male, female or neutral) is a good place to meet people who just want to have fun, and you have the advantage of being able to contact people from the comfort of your own home, safely staying behind your computer screen. However not every person will approach you on a sex dating site; sometimes strangers reach out to you on Facebook and other social media outlets. Let’s be real here: when you get that sexy person you don’t know trying to befriend you; simply refuse their request. They might say the right words to get you excited but you might well end up falling for one of those scammers that records you on a dirty chat and blackmails you down the line… In fact that person doing a strip tease just for your own pleasure will most likely be a pre-recorded video. The person actually talking to you is most likely a serial scammer working from an office where they do that all day long. Sure it feels exciting to have someone out of the blue acting all sexy towards you, but how often would this actually be the real thing? Not very often, in fact hardly ever have any of those ‘friendship requests’ been anything else but a scam.

The bottom line? Safety First!

Conclusion? There are places where it is appropriate to get approached for sex (nightclub or dating site) and there are places where it is not.  Most importantly, always play it safe.  If you are going home with someone or out on a blind date, tell your friends.  Also drink responsibly.  It is easy to be taken advantage of when you are drunk, and you probably will make bad decisions as well.  Use common sense and check your gut response.  And, it is probably not a good idea to go home with a complete stranger anyway… just saying.  Wait until you get to know them better, maybe have a real date in public with them a few times first.  If they really like you then they will wait for you.

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