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Female Ejaculation Without Orgasm?

I am reading an amazing, enlightening, informative and inspiring book by Deborah Sundal, “Female Ejaculation & the G-spot” (review coming soon!).

Did you know that women can ejaculate without orgasm? Well, it never occurred to me that this was so or even to try. I mean, the whole point of ejaculating (before I read this book) was to enhance G-spot orgasm. Right?

So, last night I was reading through Chapter 4: Ejaculation Without Orgasm, which is the first in a series of exercises in the book and experienced ejaculation without having an orgasm. I was fucking amazed… and thrilled!

“I’m sitting on the floor with a towel under me, soft music playing, incense and a candle lit, my legs propped up in a squat and leaning against a comfy chair. In front of me is a full length mirror and I can see my pussy, my clitoris, urethra, vulva, vagina opening… I begin going through the exercise of looking at and exploring my G-spot: opening up my vagina and using a flashlight to see the bumpy swell of engorging flesh, probing, stroking and feeling the edges of my G-spot bulge. This goes on for several minutes as the exercise has many steps, before you start to arouse yourself.

I am breathing very deeply and each time I breath in I feel my PC muscles clench, with each exhale my G-spot protrudes even more. I continue stroking with one hand and reading as I go through the various steps. I am now voluntarily clenching and unclenching my PC muscles with each breath, while my fingers massage | press | release in a repetitive pattern on my G-spot. I am not really aroused, only curious as I feel my G-spot swelling with fluid and beginning to feel as if it will burst.

Then Wham! I take my fingers out and squirt all over the mirror and keep squirting a waterfall of spurts with each breath and squeeze of my PC muscles. My hands are on my belly, I’m not stimulating but I squirt and squirt and squirt.”

It was OMGD amazing!

The weird thing is, that, this happened way before I was supposed to squirt (I had 4 steps left to do in the exercise), it was totally unexpected, I was not really aroused, and it seemed to me that it was my PC muscles (without a toy or my fingers applying pressure) simply pressing against the bulge that made me squirt so copiously and repeatedly.

I have squirted many times in the past with orgasm, the first time when I was about 20 years old. I have been exploring my G-spot quite a lot in the past year. But, I’ve never squirted so much, and without orgasm before. Often, I will have dribbles, sometimes a big squirt, but not multiple usually, nor so easily, and the only time I ever squirted that much was during sex (my first ejaculation) and it was also unexpected.

Champagne POP

I can’t tell you how amazing I felt after this experience, I wanted to shout it out to the world. What an amazing body we women have! I am now inspired to do a series on the female sexual response, orgasm, G-spot and squirting, which I will be updating here at Pop My Cherry.

Thank you Deborah Sundahl, for your wisdom, encouragement and life experience and for writing such an amazing book on such a wonderful topic!

I’d love to hear comments from other readers and G-spot explorers on G-spot orgasm and ejaculation. Please leave comments! Sharing your joy with others is an exhilarating experience!

Now let’s celebrate! Pass the champagne!

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4 Responses

  1. September 13, 2009

    […] series G-spot SeriesG-spot SeriesYes, Virginia there is a G-spot… But not every woman has oneFemale Ejaculation Without Orgasm?Clitoral or G-spot?How to Pleasure Your G-spotThe G-Spot Girl’s Resource […]

  2. January 22, 2010

    […] Female Ejaculation Without Orgasm? […]

  3. December 22, 2011

    […] of Sexual Ecstasy’ with Suzie Heuman which talks about the brain as an erogenous zone, the G-spot and female ejaculation, and the importance of vocalization; ‘Celebrating Orgasm’ with Betty Dodson, Ph.D., taken from […]

  4. January 11, 2013

    […] Female Ejaculation Without Orgasm? […]

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