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Masturbating Obama?

beating barrack

Ah, yeah.  Okay, I didn’t make this up, but came across it in my cyber travels and thought it was seriously funny.  Introducing the wind-up toy “Beating Barrack” by Pipedreams.

“Watch him stimulate his own package! Just what we need…Another jerk-off in the White House!”–from Pipedreams

N0w I want one to go with my Obama Dildo! (Review coming soon!)

Poor Obama!

obama head of state dildo

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4 Responses

  1. phatb0y says:

    @dominadoll Thats just wrong. In a good way.

  2. Bree says:

    I can see where the designers are coming from. What has Obama actually done while in office or is he just a token African-American president? I don’t feel sorry for him. I’m just worried that he’ll go the same way as George W Bush and start the same fantasy about secret WMD bunkers in Iran. What is happening now is like a repeat of the events leading up to the second war in Iraq. Obama, fix the problems in your backyard first. Threatening another country, that you don’t have sovereign rights over, will not fix the healthcare and other welfare issues in the US. So yes, he is a bit of a wanker.

  3. Domina Doll says:

    This is a sex blog, not a political blog. But if George W had of had a sex toy likeness it would have been an asshole 🙂

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