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In Search of the G Spot- CBC Documentary

in search of the g spot cbc documentary

CBC TV, Doc Zone, has a new documentary out calledIN SEARCH OF THE G SPOT, A Story of Pleasure and Promise“.  It is a great documentary that explores all about the G Spot, with interview segments with Beverley Whipple, including where it is, how it is stimulated and why is has remained elusive including the media hype, G spot debates and myths.

“How, in 2011, can there still exist myths around female sexuality? How can an erotic region mysteriously identified as the “G spot” be known to all yet… only a few know its location, its physiology or the story of its discovery? How can the mere mention of this erogenous zone provoke such argument, doubt, and salacious laughter?”

In classroom
Studying the anatomy of the g-spot
Photo credit: G. Spotting

“IN SEARCH OF THE G SPOT attempts to answer these questions: How did this early-80’s revelation become a media obsession? Has society transformed the G spot into a myth, a tool diverted away from women’s intimacy to serve other people’s interests?

Together we will relive the true story of the G spot. A documentary entirely dedicated to the epic story of this mysterious erogenous zone, the object of so many fantasies, and of so much controversy.”

“In Search of the G Spot” is free to watch in Canada at CBC’s Doc Zone channel, and I believe it is also available in the UK.  If you know nothing about the G spot, you will learn a lot, and if you already know a lot you will learn more!  You can watch it here for free.

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1 Response

  1. October 12, 2013

    […] In Search of the G Spot- CBC Documentary (Movie) […]

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