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Dr Berman Versus Shanes World

The Opponents

Shane’s World

In the right corner we have Shane’s World, wearing skimpy red shorts and a bikini top. Shane’s World is basically a college reality porn site / film empire started by Seymore Butts’ ex-girlfriend Shane. Porn stars visit campuses to party with and fuck the students, and they claim to get “hundreds of invitation letters a month from students across the country who want them to come to their school”.

Dr. Laura Berman

In the left corner we have Dr. Laura Berman in a white lab coat. Dr. Laura Berman PhD is an American sex educator, therapist and the director of the Berman Center in Chicago. She is Oprah’s go-to girl for sex toys and recently caused a big stir with the Aphrodite Massager that after being aired on Oprah, sold out worldwide in one day.

Round #1- Shane’s World wins by being more sexy.

Their Rockets

Shane’s World Waterproof Power Massager

shanes world power massager

SW massager is a red pocket rocket-style vibrating massager. It takes 1 AA battery and has 1 speed. It is waterproof and comes with a little leaflet instruction manual. Pocket Rockets are clitoral massagers, but strangely enough, the directions say to “insert vibrator into the vagina or anus… [then] twist or push speed control to a vibrating speed that is desirable or choose a function from the control to suit your needs…” Since there is only OFF and ON, I guess ON would be the speed and function most desirable.

Dr. Berman’s Athena Waterproof Mini Massager

athenaDB’s massager is a clear purple pocket rocket-style vibrating massager. It takes 1 AA battery and has 1 speed. It is also waterproof and comes with instructions on the back cover. At least Dr. Berman knows that this toy is supposed to be used on the “clitoris, labia major and labia minora.” The instructions encourage the user to use via “self-stimulation or with a partner during intercourse to enhance stimulation and arousal.”

Round #2- Berman wins by knowing where her clit is and what to do to it.

Compare and Contrast

Both massagers are made by California Exotics and are knock-offs of the original Pocket Rocket. Both are about the same size of the original, although SW is slightly longer and more sturdy built. DB’s massager has three metal nubs that can be used as stimulators on the head, while SW’s are made of plastic. Berman’s also comes with 4 plastic nubby caps for different stimulation (but basically these don’t really offer much variation and are best used as caps to keep the toy clean). As far as I could tell, using both simultaneously, and singularity, both massagers are identical in speed and power. They have about the same power as the original Pocket Rocket, which is speed 1 on the Pocket Rocket Plus (3 speed). Price wise, both massagers are about the same as well.

Round #3- Pretty much a tie. No knockouts or sure winners. It would be cool to see Shane & Berman really go at it though, maybe mud wrestling?

Basically, I didn’t see much of a difference between these rocket knock-offs and the original Pocket Rocket. One-speed pocket rocket-type massagers are great clitoral stimulators for women just getting into clitoral masturbation. Seasoned masturbators would find the power fairly weak, and would be better off with the higher end Pocket Rockets that are now on the market, like the Mystic Wand with 10 functions.

Sex Toys | Vibrators | SW Power Massager | Athena Mini Massager

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