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Holiday Giving Wishlist


Holiday Wishlist Meme started by Essin’ Em and edited by Epiphoria.

I missed out on this last year, but thought it might be fun to try this year.

Comment here if you create a list, and I will be sure to read it and attempt to help you out. If you help me with anything from my list, I will do my best to reciprocate.

Steps (truncated)

  • Make a post listing your wishes. If you wish for real possible things, make sure you include some sort of contact info.
  • Visit the lists of others. If you see a wish you can grant, and it’s in your heart to do so, make someone’s wish come true.
  • You needn’t spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn’t to put people out, it’s to provide everyone a chance to spread the joy. You can make your gift or give away something you have that someone wants.   Gifts can be made anonymously given or not — it’s your call.

My WishList

  1. Anything from or except for the Better than Chocolate Vibe, the Stone Love Vaginal Eggs & the Molecule Perfume because I already have those.
  2. Anything by (also available at except her Minx vibe as I have that.  I know I sound expensive, but wait!
  3. Help on figuring out why my wordpress blog keeps crashing my MySQL (I really need this help!!!)
  4. Help with advertising ideas, marketing tips, SEO and promos to promote my blog 🙂
  5. gift certificates!!!
  6. Books on sexuality (NF), vampires (can be fiction), pop culture, women idols, Bettie Page, etc…, screen queens, monstrous feminine, abject art, vintage or retro “porn” books, images, postcards.
  7. DVDs on sexuality (educational), anything by Maria Beatty (except Black Glove), Courtney Trouble, with April Flores or Mandy Morbid, Altporn, Lesbian or Dyke Porn, bdsm, bondage porn, Madison Young, Julie Simone.  Also vampire films (I have a big collection and always want to add to it), old bdsm porn like de Sade’s Justine.
  8. Anything Betty Boop!
  9. A link to me in your sidebar or banner or add my blog to your feed reader 🙂
  10. A webcam that takes good photos and film.

If you think you can fulfill any of my requests, email me at domina @ fatalefemmes (dot) com.  Thank you!

Please check out these other lists as well.  Tis the Season!

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10 Responses

  1. Ashley says:

    I’d be more than happy to add this blog to my blogroll and if you have pre-made banners I’d love to put one on my sidebar.

  2. Sarahbear says:

    I’ll put a link to your blog in my sidebar. Also, my husband use to code his own MUD (text based game) and the guy that took over does a lot of his stuff in SQL. I’ll send him your e-mail address and see if I can ask him to help you out, if he can. No guarantees, but it never hurts to ask. =)

  3. Domina Doll says:

    Thank you Sarah! You’re a Doll!

  4. I think I’m going to create a page on e[lust] for blogger banners, for those who primarily write reviews and therefore can’t join in.

    If you have one that’s about the size of the banners here on the sidebar, send it to me. Otherwise, I can make you one.

  5. Wilhelmina says:

    hmm, what kind of sexuality books?

  1. December 11, 2009

    […] Domina Doll […]

  2. December 12, 2009

    […] Domina Doll […]

  3. December 15, 2009

    […] Domina Doll […]

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