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Art School Girls Are Easy


Art School Girls Are Easy (2009)
Studio- Vivid Alt
Director- Eon McKai
Cast- Andy San Dimas, Pixie Pearl, Stevie Hart, Kasha Bella, Dane Cross, Eric Swiss, Vin Vericose, Danny Wylde (as Daniel).

Or, a lesson in art and postmodernism.

Many artists are haunted by certain themes or motifs that become repetitive within their bodies of work.  For expressionist painter Van Gogh you could say he was obsessed with sunflowers.  For Hitchcock, it was blondes and for Quentin Tarantino it is his repeated fetish with feet.  This fixation with certain themes could be thought of as the “artistic” form of obsessive-compulsive disorder in which themes are continually expressed to “exorcise” the artist of their demons.

For Eon McKai, his demons are art school sluts. Art Schools Girls Are Easy (2009) is a remake of Eon McKai’s directorial debut Art School Sluts (2004), the influential postmodern porn that many believe paved the way for the alt porn genre.  Is the work a true post-postmodern parody that reuses motifs of simulacra (an inferior copy of an original that lacks the original’s substance), intertextuality (which refers to a work that makes reference to other works “through quotations, allusions, parodies, or thematic references”  “in order to establish its own meaning and significance…”) and intratextuality (which refers to the process by which films refer to themselves through mirroring, microcosmic, and mise-en-abyme structures)?  Or, is it more likely—and more simply—an excuse to remake the film with his new muse Andy San Dimas the way he really wanted to do it the first time, without limiting studios vetoing his artsy directorial decisions? 

Art Schools Girls Are Easy is repeating a motif that catapulted Eon McKai to fame in the Art-porn world, with a story about a bored, disenchanted girl who fucks her way through art school cause she’s got nothing better to do.  I can’t say if Art Schools Girls Are Easy is actually better or worse that the first.  However, the actors are hot and the sex, when they get down to it, is raw and edgy, which is reflective of McKai’s Warhol-ish gonzo aesthetic.

It repeats the same scenarios of the original film: opening car crash sequence that reflects upon Cronenburg’s Crash; compulsive photo taking (voyeurism); artists as lazy drug addicts; art girls as moody sluts and voyeuristic sex as art.  Oh, yeah, and there’s lots of sex interspersed within the film featuring five scenes of hardcore, alt-porn, gonzo-style.  The scenes include a girl-girl scene with Pixie Pearl and Kasha Bella (lucy-licking Lesbos), voyeurism scene between Pixie and Daniel in the front of the classroom while Kasha takes photos (haut!), 3-way between Kasha, Stevie Hart and Vin Vericose (girl-meets-boy-meets-girl), boy-girl scene between Andy and Daniel (sizzling shag), and the final scene between Kasha and sexy nerd Dane Cross (slurp!).

So as far as sex goes, the film rocks.  As far as art goes, is it simulacra or an int(ra)ertextual pomo masterpiece?  Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares? And, finally, as far as the film goes…  Did you ever hear the term if it’s not broken, don’t fix it?  Whatever… its McKai’s fucking film/art, so I guess he can do whatever the hell he wants, eh?

View Trailer

You can purchase the original Art School Sluts from Pop My Cherry Shop and/or view Art Schools Girls Are Easy at my new Pop My Cherry VOD Theater.  Click this link to go straight to my FREE 20 minutes introductory promo to see Art Schools Girls Are Easy or whatever jill-off material rocks your little boat!

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11 Responses

  1. December 22, 2009

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  2. December 22, 2009

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  3. December 23, 2009

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  4. December 23, 2009

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  5. December 23, 2009

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  6. December 23, 2009

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  7. December 23, 2009

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  8. December 23, 2009

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  9. January 5, 2010

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  10. January 16, 2010

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

  11. February 7, 2010

    […] Art School Girls are Easy by Domina Doll […]

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