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In Bed with Bill and Desiree


My interview is live at Carnal Nation: In Bed with Bill and Desiree. Here’s a blurp from the interview:

“Recently, I had the opportunity to review Tony Comstock’s latest film: Bill and Desiree: Love is Timeless (2008). I loved the film and even more so real-life lovers, Bill Noble and Desiree Storch, who share “their sweet ecstatic moans and tearful orgasms” on-screen. I was touched and enlightened by their display of selfless pleasure giving as well as their innovative approach to love and sex. Bill contacted me saying, “It feels like you rolled right into bed with us… Thanks for seeing us the way you did, honoring us…”  So here I am, in bed with Bill and Desiree (virtually) and invite you to join me as they chat about their passionate approach to love, life, and sexual intimacy. “

Go check it out and read more about these amazing real life lovers.  Also, check out the film: Bill and Desiree: Love is Timeless from Comstock Films.

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2 Responses

  1. amber says:

    Beautifully done! Such a good film. So far I have seen three Comstock films, and this one has been my favorite! So honest, genuine, and smart. Love it! Thank you for your wonderful review and interview, gorgeous!

  2. admin says:

    Hey Amber! Thanks so much hun for checking out my interview. It was so cool getting to know Bill & Desiree better. They are such amazing people and I hope someday I will get to meet them in person! 🙂

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