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April is STD Awareness Month

April is STD Awareness Month, and I though what better time to review a very chic, smart and sex-positive product: the JustinCase Condom Compact.

But, first, here are the facts from the ASHA website:

  • There are nearly 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the U.S. each year.
  • Chlamydia often doesn’t cause symptoms in women, but when undetected can spread to the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).
  • Testing for STDs is a key component for sexual health.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends routine HIV testing for those ages 13-64.
  • Condoms have proven value in reducing transmission of chlamydia, HIV, and other STDs.
  • Approximately half of all new STDs occur in youth ages 15-24 and 1 in 4 girls and young women between the ages of 14 and 19 have at least one of the more common STDs.
  • While it’s fine to talk about abstinence, most individuals are sexually active prior to marriage, and our current approach of abstinence only education for young people clearly isn’t working.
  • According to the CDC, in 2000, an estimated 850,000-950,000 people in the United States were living with HIV and approximately one fourth of these people did not know they were infected.
  • Research has shown that latex condoms are highly effective at protecting a person from transmitting or becoming infected with the virus. Latex condoms used consistently and correctly were effective 98-100% of the time.

JustinCase Condom Compacts are a discrete, chic and very practical way to keep your condoms safe.  Although many of us try to have protected sex, the truth is that many of us still take risks because we don’t have a condom handy. JIC Condom Compacts look like a little make-up kit.  Open it and all you see is a mirror inside.  But, hidden underneath a secret lid is a little compartment for keeping your condoms, safe, clean, unwrinkled and dry.  What could be easier?  Chuck it in your purse and you are ready for any sexual encounter that might pass your way (just in case!)


I purchased the YOUTHAIDS Red JIC Condoms Compact because 10% of the proceeds goes to fight AIDS worldwide from  I think this is a great cause and am happy to support it.  In fact, I am buying all my close girlfriend’s one, just in case.  JIC Compacts are available in a variety of sexy colors and come with their own Red Organza gift bag and two complimentary condoms, so are perfect for gift giving.

They are also great for young women and girls, because stats show that girls do have unprotected sex no matter what you tell them, so at least this is a stylish way to get them thinking about having safe sex.  My mom taught me about condoms and the pill when I was 16, but it would have been very cool if she had of given me one of these.

You can get your own JustinCase Condom Compacts at, as well as Women’s Sex Toys and sex toys for all.


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9 Responses

  1. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  2. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  3. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  4. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  5. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  6. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  7. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  8. April 28, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

  9. April 29, 2009

    […] Just In Case by Domina Doll […]

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