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Zen Tranquility Vibe & Tantric Candle

zen tranquility vibe

Consumers of sex toys are becoming more savvy and luxury sex toys are the new black.  In fact, luxury sex toys are becoming so popular that even cheap novelty manufacturers are trying to get in on the trend.  California Exotics, well know for creating novelty sex toys, and sex star brands, just recently came out with a “Couture Collection” of vibrators (reminiscent of Fun Factory products) made of 100% silicone as well as “luxury” sex toys designed to resemble designer toys.  But, how do their “luxury” toys measure up?

Introducing the Zen Tranquility Vibrator by California Exotics.  The Zen is a sleek, black vibrator made of ABS plastic.  It is slightly curved to offer a pleasing ergonomically-shaped contour with a high-gloss finish.  It reminds me of Darth Vader with it’s a futuristic, yet minimalist design.  It features a touch button on/off control (+) (-) with a red LED that lights up when turned on.  The multi-speed vibrations are from mild to medium and it takes two AAA batteries.  It also comes with a nice velvety storage pouch and retails from $68-$90 depending on where you purchase it (only $68 at

Well, for a $70 vibe, I was expecting a lot more power.  And, while it does work to get you off (although weakly), when compared to other luxury vibes like Lelo’s Gigi and JimmyJane’s Form 6, it is just a cheaper-made vibe in a pretty package.  It doesn’t have near the sophistication, power or functions that these luxury manufacturers provide in their designs.  Still, the Zen is about $20 cheaper than the Gigi and quite a bit cheaper than the Form 6, but if I were in the market for a luxury vibe I would spend the extra money to get a trusted brand that truly performs and is back by a guarantee.

I do however applaud California Exotics for taking the plunge and trying to make better designed, body-friendly products.  I am hoping they will continue to try to make better quality products, and that this is not just gimmick to get a share of the luxury market.

Tantric Candle

tantric candle

California Exotics has also started making all natural soy massage candles.  These candles are comparable with other similar candles on the market, such as Shunga massage candles.  The Tantric Candle contains natural ingredients including “soybean oil, coconut oil, hemp seed oil, avocado oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E, and fragrance derived from natural sources”. It comes in a nice tin with a little application spoon and says on the back that it lasts up to 60 hours.

I received the Orange Ginger fragrance and it is yummy!  It takes about 20 minutes for the soft creamy wax to melt into a transparent liquid massage oil that you can then pour on the body and rub in.  I found this wax to be thicker and creamier than many of the other massage candles I have tried, leaving a thin white film.  So it doesn’t seem to absorb into the skin as fast or easily as other candles I have tried, and is also a bit pricier.

Still it is a great candle, smells divine and the warm wax feels wonderful when you get your lover to massage your achy muscles, especially after a nice hot bath.  I actually burn the candle on the edge of the tub during my bath, and the scent helps to soothe me, then it is ready to massage in once I get out.

Zen Tranquility | Sex Toys | Vibrators | Tantric Candle

Product Disclosure- Most of the products reviewed at PopMyCherryReview are provided free of charge from the manufacturers or sex toy shops mentioned in each review for review purposes.  Although I do have affiliate accounts with some of these product providers, often I do not.  All reviews are my honest opinions and I am not motivated by financial gain or getting more products, because it is important to me to keep my personal integrity. I try to write honest, informed reviews, researching the company, product and using each product a few times before I write about it, and always try to point out both the good and bad in each product.  The places I review for respect my right to write an honest review, even if it is negative, realizing that an honest review is more valuable to them, than reviews that are sugar-coated and that pointing out a product’s flaws helps them create better products.  My motivation is in testing adult products and finding the best sex toys available in the market and passing that information and experience onto my readers.  That said, I also recognize that what works for me, may not work for everyone, so I encourage you to read other opinions as well, which is why I link to sex toy reviewers I respect in my sidebar.  Often, many of these people are the ones who inspire my desire for a new product or inform my own purchasing decisions.

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7 Responses

  1. Epiphora says:

    $70!?!?! No fucking way. Noooo way. I didn’t know it retailed for so much. What a rip-off.

  2. Tessa says:

    I’ll surely give the tantric candle a try. I’m sold! But the luxury vibrator…. I’ll pass.
    .-= Tessa´s last blog ..Whose pleasure? =-.

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