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Wooden Forest Fairy Vibrator

The Forest Fairy Wooden Vibrator

By WaldMichlsHoldi

handmade by nature

I’m really excited to introduce to you a company out of Germany who makes hand-made wooden vibrators.  The company name is WaldMichlsHoldi (a bit of a mouthful) and what is very cool and unique about them, besides being the designers of quality wooden sex toys, is that they are a family-owned and operated company.  How cool is that?

The Thüry Family… Maybe they will adopt me!

Yes, a real Mom and Pop business, Maria and Elmar Thüry, and their children Steffen, Daniel and Jasmin run a highly successful cottage industry just outside Frankfurt, Germany (best known for the Brother’s Grimm Fairytales).  While making sex toys may seem like a strange business for a family to get into, the Thüry’s explain in the video below that German’s are very open about sexuality (much more so than us North Americans!) and Elmar got the idea from making wooden garden mushrooms.  He thought, “why not make the mushroom head smaller?” and voila! (Or whatever the German equivalent of that is: Erfolg!), their first wooden dildo was designed.

This is a great interview with the family… Watch them make Dildos!

My review today is of the Forest Fairy Wooden Vibrator designed by daughter Jasmin (a girl after my own heart!).  Like many of their other designs, the Forest Fairy has a whimsical name, yet a very practical use.  I was very interested in seeing how a wooden dildo would translate into a wooden vibrator.  Unlike other companies who have made “wooden” vibes, this one is actually made from a solid piece of wood, German Spruce, which grows in abundance in the area where the family lives.  This is by no means faux wood, or plywood, but real Spruce hand-carved on a lathe.  My spouse who is into wood and uses a lathe to create bowls was very impressed by the Forest Fairy (now if I could only get him to start making me dildos!).

The Forest Fairy is simply beautiful!  It is as solid as any piece of wood and the gorgeous grains are quite visible on each piece they make, which will always be unique and individual. It features a series of undulating waves going up the shaft to the softly rounded head.  It measures 6.7” in length and has a 3.7” circumference.

At the base is a screw-off cape where you insert the two AAA batteries which were included with the vibe.  I thought AAA’s would not give you much of a vroom vibration, but I was wrong.  Maybe it is the wood itself, but the vibrations are quite strong on the highest setting for a vibrator of this type.  On the nice cardboard box that it came packaged in, it says that the “WaldMichlsHoldi vibrators are fitted with special, high-performance motors which runs very quietly and which make use of the fibres in the spruce wood to provide an optimal transmission of the vibrations”.  So, a good motor design is also responsible for the strong vibrations.

Each of their spruce erotic wood toys has a “specialist finishing” which is a special water-based coating that does not contain toxins or solvents.  The coating is certified for children’s toys and is hygienic, hypo-allergenic, and body-safe.  They also don’t use wax or oils as that leaves the wood porous.  The finish leaves the toy with a glass-like glossy finish that is easy to clean with simple soap and water.  WaldMichlsHoldi has their own very thorough quality control and 10 year guarantee of the wood and finish and a 2 year guarantee for electronics.  Uber-fantastic!

I am seriously impressed with these vibrators.  The quality and craftspersonship of these sex toys is excellent.  While they feel glossy, somewhat like glass on the surface, the vibrations resonate through the whole toy, especially on the tip.  The Forest Fairy felt very stimulating as a clitoral vibe and just as nice inside nestled against my G-spot.  I had a blissful clitoral orgasm that left my pussy quivering.

WaldMichlsHoldi wooden vibrators <—Click for full line, are now available in North America and are sold at

Sex Toys | Vibrators | Forest Fairy Wooden Vibrator

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3 Responses

  1. tabu toypro says:

    Love it! Great video too.

  2. Ben Alexander says:

    You have a nice product. I am a woodworker and more interested in what your finish and color medium is. Where can I buy this finish, what is it called? Have been looking for a brightly colored and shiny food safe finish for my bowls and platters. Thank you, Ben

  1. April 9, 2010

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