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Video: the Making of RealDolls

Honey Pie from California Is A Place

This is uber cool.  It is a mini-documentary from California Is A Place that I found over at VioletBlue’s blog.  It showcases  creator & sculpture Matt McMullen creating one of his RealDoll‘s Honey Pie.

Honey Pie from California is a place. on Vimeo.

I have a huge fascination with dolls and sex dolls in generate.  Just the “uncanny” factor that they are so realistic freaks me out and I love it.  It is really amazing to watch how much time is spent on making these dolls look real and the level of quality and detail involved like their own set of teeth that look like dentures.  Freak-a-zoid!  These dolls sell from about $6000 and up!

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3 Responses

  1. Inferno says:

    I have a close friend that is obsessed with these dolls.
    He got one many years ago and recently (maybe 2 years ago) got another.
    I’m sure he would have a huge collection if he could afford them.
    At a glance you actually think they are real people.
    He keeps one all done up sexy in fancy clothing around his living room.
    Really freaks people out with it.

  2. Domina Doll says:

    I’d love to be able to afford one. They are super cool. I have a blow up doll, but she looks like a bubblehead. Not real at all 🙂

  1. February 9, 2013

    […] recently blogged about The Making of Real Dolls Video in which I talked briefly about how dolls and sex dolls fascinate me because they are so […]

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