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tactile mind: bas-relief porn for the blind

This is super-cool!

tactile mind is a handmade thermoform book Lisa J. Murphy (a Canadian photographer) consisting of 17, 3-D tactile photographs on white thermoform plastic pages with the visual image and descriptive Braille accompaniment.

“while volunteering at the institute, murphy learned how to create touchable images of animals for books intended for visually impaired children. it was during this time that she realized there were hardly any books which offered tactile imagery for adults only. [so] murphy decided to venture into the world of creating sensual art for visually impaired adults.

‘tactile mind’ is her first endeavour, and the hand-made publication includes 3D erotic images of men and women, in costume or completely nude, as well as ‘details’ of private parts… the process involves building up photos, which murphy has taken, by forming clay on top to mimic the 2D images, rendering them in three, as well as two and a half dimensions. once complete, the forms are covered with a sheet of thermoplastic which is then heated and vacuum-formed,  resulting in the plastic to mould around the clay. the finished piece becomes a page in a book. it takes up to 50 hours to produce each of the images in the publication.”– Bas-Relief Porn for the Blind

Makes you want to reach out and touch it!

The books sell on her website for $260.00 CAD including shipping and handling.

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