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Sex or Chocolate- Why Not Both?

Chocolate is one of the only sweet indulgences I eat when it comes to sugar.  Okay, ice-cream, too, but that’s one of the four food groups so doesn’t count. And, like sex, I sometimes crave chocolate and need it right now.  Well, Kama Sutra has product that will take care of both those cravings at once.  The Lover’s Paintbox is a gift box set of chocolate body paints that comes in three flavors: dark, white and milk chocolate.  Each edible body paint is packaged in a glass jar which should be refrigerated after opening. The set also includes a paint brush that you can use paint your lover’s body with, in case you’re not into finger painting.

The jars can be microwaved (lids off) to heat up the chocolate and make it a little easier to be drizzled, painted or spread around.  It is fun to play with and feels sensual as warm chocolate is drizzled over your flesh and then slowly licked away.  The taste of the paints is syrupy, the main ingredient being corn syrup, so very sweet.  The paints also contain cocoa and alcohol, so reminded me a bit of chocolate liqueurs that you buy at Christmas or New Years.  Despite a slight after-taste, the chocolate flavor is realistic and tastes as good if not better than the chocolate syrups you drizzle over ice-cream.

My S/O and I used the Lover’s Paintbox set while playing our new Tantric Lover’s Game (see review).  This product is not for massage but for painting on and licking off.  It would be much too thick and messy for a massage lotion, but works great if you want to dribble or smear your lover like a Jackson Pollock canvas.  Good messy fun!

Researchers have found that chocolate has two chemical compounds that link it to the pleasure associated with sex: tryptophan (associated with sexual cravings) and phenethylamine (linked with excitement and euphoria). Sex and chocolate combined may take you to a whole new level of ecstasy or, at least allow you to burn off the calories of consumption with a sexual sugar buzz.  Makes a great gift!

If you are interested in purchasing this product or any other sexuality products like sex toys, please consider doing it through my affiliate account at VibeReview, where all proceeds for the month of November will go to support the Butterfly Tempress Cancer Fund (read about it here).  VibeReview will double the amount donated through affiliate accounts.  Thanks for your support!

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10 Responses

  1. November 10, 2008

    […] Velvet Harness by Alpine Subdreams Luna Pleasure Bead System: by Lelo by Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll Toy Review ~ Lelo Luna Beads by Sylvanus and Mina of At Longing’s End Possibly […]

  2. November 10, 2008

    […] Velvet Harness by Alpine Subdreams Luna Pleasure Bead System: by Lelo by Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll Toy Review ~ Lelo Luna Beads by Sylvanus and Mina of At Longing’s End Possibly […]

  3. November 10, 2008

    […] Velvet Harness by Alpine Subdreams Luna Pleasure Bead System: by Lelo by Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll Toy Review ~ Lelo Luna Beads by Sylvanus and Mina of At Longing’s […]

  4. November 10, 2008

    […] Velvet Harness by Alpine Subdreams Luna Pleasure Bead System: by Lelo by Scarlet Lotus Sexgeek Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll Toy Review ~ Lelo Luna Beads by Sylvanus and Mina of At Longing’s […]

  5. November 11, 2008

    […] Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll […]

  6. November 11, 2008

    […] Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll […]

  7. November 12, 2008

    […] Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll […]

  8. November 12, 2008

    […] Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll […]

  9. November 17, 2008

    […] Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) by Domina Doll […]

  10. August 8, 2009

    […] Sex or Chocolate? Why not both (Lover’s Paintbox) (body chocolate) 11/08 […]

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