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Nominations for Sexiest Bloggers of 2010

@SweetRori over at Between My Sheets blog is gathering nominations for the 3rd annual Top 100 Sex Bloggers List 2010.  So, if you know of a sex blog you would like to nominate (a-hem…) then get over there and nominate them!

I went over today and posted my nominations.  Really, there is so many blogs that I love and read regularly, it was a tough job.  But, if you enjoy Pop My Cherry Review, we would certainly appreciate a nomination as well.  Just saying…

<— That snazzy banner would be up on our site if we were included in the list.  And, I love to redecorate.  So, if you have it in your heart, nominate us and show us the love!  I am not going to beg.  But, I’ll post a pic of my tits if Pop My Cherry Review makes the list.  And, not a sneaky pic of me in a bra either, real boobage a la nude with nipple-age and all!

It is always good to know you are loved 🙂

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