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“Lips Like Sugar” Erotic Reading Review

Lips Like Sugar“, an erotica book published by Cleis Press and edited by Violet Blue, is a collection of women’s fantasy erotica. Including 173 pages and 19 various stories, “Lips Like Sugar” is a collection of short erotic stories written by different authors. Edited with traditional Cleis Press editing, the book is simple to navigate and read through. Because of the obvious sexual connotations from the front cover, I’d avoid reading this in public unless you can easily hide the front cover.

The theme of this book, like previously mentioned, is “women’s fantasy erotica”. However, unlike most women’s fantasy erotica books, Violet Blue chose fantasies that didn’t apologize for what they contained. For example, in a couple stories, the women shamelessly and enjoyingly go after men – just because they feel like giving a blowjob. In another, we follow a couple as they play out a rape fantasy. These are not just your “average fantasies” like a woman wanting to lie back in a bath while she’s pleasured. Instead, many of the stories in this collection touch on taboo material – but in a tasteful way that you know that the action is consensual.

Like all Cleis Press erotica, “Lips Like Sugar” includes a wide variety of stories – each that is unique in its own way. The only thing that connects them is their relation to the idea that each is a woman’s fantasy. For that reason, most of the stories include the female as the main character. Many of the stories are between a male and a female, but there are some scatterings of other pairings as well. It’s really a well-rounded collection that includes a good variety of stories, and the editor really did a good job of making sure that the flow of the stories was fantastic too; you never feel like you’re jumped into something that doesn’t belong.

Some of my favorite stories included:
“The Accidental Exhibitionist” by Debra Hyde: In this one, a woman finds that, when her partner orders her to go outside to a fetish party in skimpy clothing, she’s enjoying herself. All of the embarassing tasks turn her on, and she likes knowing she’s on display. Of course, it ends in a great show in the parking garage too.

“Crazy from the Heat” by Zoe Bishop: When she goes to the beach with one of her best female friends, it turns out that this beach ends up being a nude beach. I mean, she had “practiced” with her girlfriend in the past, but when her friend starts pulling her close while others watch, the main character finds that she’s enjoying it more than she thought she would.

“The 9:30 To Edinburgh” by Carolina John: Prepared to be bored by yet another train travel trip, the main female character settles in – finding that she’s oddly turned on too. However, when another couple enters her train car and start to fool around right in front of her eyes, she finds out that train rides can be much more fun than she had ever imagined!

If you want to read a collection of erotic stories that focus on hot, taboo fantasies with a tilt towards the female perspective, “Lips Like Sugar” is perfect. It has many unapologetic females that go after exactly what they want including sexy and unique scenarios. Whether you’re a male or female, “Lips Like Sugar” could definitely appeal to you. Thanks to Cleis Press for providing “Lips Like Sugar” for my review.

The Erotic Reading Review is a regular column written by Kayla. This column brings you reviews over erotica, instructional, and other types of sex-related books.

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