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Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo

Well this is my first time trying a glass sex toy.  I know.  I’ve reviewed hundreds of sex toys, but never any glass.  I guess I’m not completed jaded, yet!  But, I have wanted to try one for a long time and now that I have, I understand why many people say glass is their favorite material for sex toys.  There is no other material that feels like it.  It is ultra slick and smooth like cool water washing into you, except in a solid form.

Introducing the Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo


The Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo from Pink Cherry is a lovely glass dildo.  It is a double-ended dildo that features a subtle curve ideal for G-spot stimulation. It is very pretty and manufactured from clear glass with red cherry bumps on one end and a red raised swirly design on the other. Each end has teardrop shaped probe perfect for penetration.  Each side feels slightly different as well, due to the raised bumps or swirly design.  I liked both, but preferred the bumps.  While the teardrop head massaged my g-spot, the bumps stimulated my vagina opening.  The sensation was incredible.  I was surprised at how amazing it felt and now I believe all the hype.  This dildo had me squirting in minutes flat.  The hard glass is perfect for firm G-spot stimulation and the weight feels wonderful inside of you.

What You Should Know About This Toy

The Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo is made by Dreamtoys Glassworks-a Canadian company-makers of Pyrex glassware.  This means is it completely safe and durable, and it also comes with a Lifetime Replacement Warranty.  It was housed in a nice storage box that is satin lined to keep your glass toy safe.  It also has a little guide that tells you more about the product.

Dreamtoys Glassworks Toys Are:

  • Handmade and Unique
  • Hypoallergenic and Non-porous
  • Earth and Body Friendly
  • Good for conducting both heat and cold for temperature play

I am really in love with my Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo and am glad I have finally taken the plunge into glass pleasure objects.  There is really nothing that can compare with the sensual feeling of glass.

The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway!

Pink Cherry has teamed up with Pop My Cherry to offer you my readers a chance to win the Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo!  What do you have to do to win?  Just post a comment on this post telling my why Cherries are Sexy, Pop My Cherry is Sexy or Pink Cherry is Sexy.  Easy right?

This doesn’t have to be a thesis and one sentence is fine.  If you feel shy you can send me an email at domina(@)fatalefemmes(dot)com with “Cherries are Sexy” in the heading.  Entries should be sent or posted by Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009.  I will randomly pick a winner from the comments/emails submitted on Feb 14/09,  notify them and send them their new glass toy!   A follow-up post about the winner will be posted here on my blog as well (although names can be a psuedonym and no personal info will be posted, unless you would like you name and link back to your site).

Who will be the lucky winner?  Maybe you!  Good luck and feel free to repost.


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93 Responses

  1. Totally crossposting this! That dildo is gorgeous, and I do so love a good Valentine’s Day giveaway!

    Thursday’s Child’s last blog post..The Valentine’s Day Hotlist!

  2. Cherries are amazingly sexy. Deep red, rich, a shiny surface that simply beckons for a tongue to lick; a cherry slides between parted lips so easily and silkily…

    And there’s nothing like watching the look change in someone’s eyes when you take the stem into your mouth and shortly pull out a nice little knot. 😉

    Panthera Pardus’s last blog post..“Make Me Blush” Harness! Review, part one

  3. Cherries are sexy because there’s nothing hotter than making a line of red and green glace cherries from throat to bellybutton, then following the trail down with your mouth … sweet and damned arousing!

    xx Dee

  4. admin says:

    Thanks Thursday! Sweet 🙂

  5. weird says:

    that thing is double headed…

    i can imagine sliding it so slowly into her with one head, and then sliding so slowly with the other head. one end with bumps, the other with twists. asking which felt better, bumps or twists. one head and then the other, so slowly, making time stretch out so that seconds are as hours. which is better, bunps of twists? which is better, this or that? her hands tied to the headboard so she cannot grab it and finish the job in a hurry. so slowly. this or that? slowly, in and out, back and forth. so slowly…

    THAT is sexy. two ends, two styles, two feelings.

  6. HouseWench says:

    While I do not personally like the TASTE of cherries, I find it a very erotic treat to feed my Master a cherry and watch him suckle on it. Taste-wise, I think I’ve just been forced to eat too many, but GOD they make such a beautiful addition to everything. The color is so perfect, and I LOVE the sound they make when they’re eaten.

    I find it such a shame that I don’t like them, as I’m sure eating one sensually in Master’s presence would be such a pretty site.

  7. Cherries are sexy because of their stem. Seriously! Have you ever watched a person pop a whole cherry (stem and all) into their mouth and 30 seconds later pop out the stem tied into a knot??? Dirty thoughts always quickly follow!

  8. carnivalesq says:

    Cherries are sexy because of their deep red color, reminiscent of dark rouged lips.

    carnivalesq’s last blog post..New Review over at TLL!

  9. Stacy Doe says:

    I have always wondered about the glass dildos! With so little flexibility, I wasn’t sure if it’d be nice or not and now I’m convinced that I’ll have to try it at some point!!! I am getting a bit excited just thinking about it …

    Cherries are great because with the stem – you can tell any guy tying it in a knot speaks volumes for the tongue power elsewhere and the way it smushes around your mouth before it pops… is seductive and delicious.

    Stacy Doe’s last blog post..Why You Should Go on a Man-Diet

  10. I want! I want! I want! 🙂

  11. snooshi says:

    cherries, yum! beyond the obvious — they are delicious — cherries are sexy because they are cleft like the sweetest, most perfect ass. and don’t even get me started on the color; red so dark it’s almost black like the hottest of lipsticks, reddest nipples, secret interiors…

  12. Nadia says:

    Cherries are sexy because they’re sweet and juicy – just like pussy.

    Nadia’s last blog post..Review: Robo Suck II

  13. Adriana says:

    Cherries are sexy because of their colour, their juicyness. They’re plump and firm and pop so deliciously between your teeth. The sight of a cherry amidst luscious red lips is especially tantalizing.

    Adriana’s last blog post..Make Me Cum Clit Sensitizer

  14. Jen says:

    Cherries are so sexy because when you bite into one its juices run out all over your chin. The long thin stem drives me wild.


  15. aisforalisha says:

    my favourite cherries are the chocolate covered ones because 1] they’re covered in chocolate which is already pretty great and 2] when you bite into them and they pop, they’re twice as juicy..

    and gods, that’s a gorgeous piece of.. glass.


  16. Lolita says:

    I have been looking for the perfect glass dildo and this is it! I love the textures and the curve!

    Cherries are sexy because they taste delicious and don’t make a mess in the bed.

    Lolita’s last blog post..Like Rube Goldberg

  17. ephraim says:

    Pop My Cherry = sexy because it’s smart and informative, and as we all know the biggest erogenous zone is between the ears.

    Pink Cherry = sexy because they provide for the needs of so many different kinds of people. Any place where men and women, queers and heteros, kinksters and vanilla folk can mix it up is super hot.

    And cherries? Allow me to quote liberally from a Yiddish folk song:

    “and the cherries, my love, are as black as your eyes, clustered-heavy on the trees, the branches almost to the point of bending. Come to me, my love. Enough with our daydreaming. My love is ripe…and so are my fruits.”

    (bad translation, my own)

  18. Toni says:

    Cherries are sexy all around. Red and sweet, smooth, but with some texture where the stem goes in… You can paint a lover in trails of cherry, you can eat one before kissing to give a partner a little surprise, you can eat one slowly with them watching, tease them with how dexterous your tongue is…

  19. Jade says:

    Mmmm…cherries are sexy because of the delightful little POP sound they make as you bite into them, followed quickly by the tang of the juice and the sweet softness of the flesh inside…

  20. Amethyst says:

    Cherries? Definitely a sexy fruit. Whether it’s because there’s something inherently sexy about them (couldn’t tell ya what that is) or because our culture of cherry-printed panties and tongue stem-tying contests has made them into the fruit sex symbol they are: there’s no way around it. I’d love to have one of these cherry toys! (I have an njoy right now and while I LOVEEE it, I’d also LOVVEEE to try a textured glass toy!)

  21. Arachne says:

    Cherries are sexy to me…because they are my quintissential beach food. There’s nothing quite like stretching out on a beach blanket with my favorte hunny of the moment and shimmying out of my bathing suit top to “avoid tan lines”, asking them ever so sweetly to rub the spf on my back while popping sweet black cherries into my mouth, letting the juice drip a bit, letting them know that I *see* their eyes watching the drops land on my tits. Offering them the next one with glittering eyes and an offer “Want a bite?”

  22. miss sinclaire says:

    cherries are scrumptious succulent bite-sized delights with lush flesh that is as satisfyingly sweet as it is surprisingly tart… especially when sucked off from the center seed…

    A strong flavor that can stand alone or meld seamlessly with another… in any form: fresh, dried, extracted, preserved…

    With its rich vibrant tones barely contain within its skin, they are the perfect finishing touch to all great pleasures, no matter how innocent- like the banana split of your youth, or how guilty- like your third Maker’s Manhattan from this weekends rendezvous….

    no matter how a cherries comes to you, one is never enough…

  23. hanna says:

    i just recently popped my cherry… well, technically somebody else did it and i have to tell you that the idea of taking a go on the Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo makes me more wet then my Cherry Poppin’ Daddy has been able to.
    gah. so sleek. so pretty. soo yummy!

  24. Jezebelle says:

    Cherries are sexy to me because they remind me of summer, and all that it has to offer. There is nothing better on a warm day than some nice cool cherries, and some kinky sex to follow them up!

    Jezebelle’s last blog post..Babeland Nubby G

  25. Jack says:

    The pink cherry symbolizes love and the reminds us of ladies’ pink parts! Very sexy!

  26. Arsie says:

    Cherries are sexy..

    The firm skin that pops to release a gush of sweet juice into your mouth, the curves reminiscent of a beautiful woman, the red of lips painted crimson and meant to tease.


    And damnit, it’s too early to get some good cherries to eat now so I have to be content with pictures.

  27. Cheryl says:

    That tight smooth skin of a cherry is erotic to me! I would love to experience this sweet glass dildo. I have never purchased or experienced a sex toy in my life….I am over 40…and I think it’s about damn time! Ha!

  28. May says:

    Cherries are sexy because they don’t taste like any other fruit – the way each lover has their own delicious taste. Yummy!

  29. Jena says:

    Cherries are considered an aphrodisiac fruit? I should’ve known–their texture and taste are luscious. There’s no other way to describe biting into a perfectly ripe cherry. The sudden give of the skin as your teeth pierce, sliding through the flesh to the hard center… and oh so juicy.

  30. Tiffany S says:

    Cherries are the symbol of all that is sensual in a fruit. Not only is the taste physically pleasing to the palate but the sight of slowly entering a beautiful red cherry in your mouth is also visually pleasing for all who sees. Thats why cherries should be the mascot of all sensual eating!

  31. Tommy Johnson says:

    Cherries are sexy because they remind you of the clitoris.

  32. Jennie says:

    cherries are oh so sensual…the dark red, almost black color, framed by a beautiful set of lips…the slow inhale, watching the cherry enter her mouth…every nerve in me tightening when her tongue darts quickly to grab that last little bit of taste…


    Jennie’s last blog post..sometimes i wonder

  33. Carrie Ann says:

    Cherries are sexy because they stain the lips and tongue to a bruised looking red; like you’ve just been kissed for hours.

  34. Kari says:

    I think cherries are sexy because there’s so many fun associations between their stems and agile lesbian tongues.

  35. Sempai says:

    Cherries remind me of my first time. Not the pop the cherry cliche, but the pair of cartoonish cherries silkscreened on her white panties. Seeing her for the first time like that, awkward, nervous, it was her first time too. Her cheeks flushed nearly the same shade of red as those applique cherries on her white panties. Seeing her blush as the white cotton slipped down her hips, catching a glimpse of my reflection in her bedroom mirror. The excitement, of our first time, of fear of being caught, of wanting to do it, and trepidation at doing it. And still I remember the silly panties. She gave them to me the following week. They still lurk in the back of my underware drawer, a twenty year reminder of my first time.

  36. You know, I crossposted this and encouraged many others to enter, but I don’t think I ever entered this myself.

    There’s a mental image that comes to me whenever I think of cherries – cherries glistening on a bed of pristine snow. It also reminds me of crimson lips against pale skin – beautiful. There’s something infinitely precious with each and ever cherry – each is a sweet gift, unto itself, a moment in time, suspended, then gone forever, but for our memories.

    Thursday’s Child’s last blog post..No love for the Tuyo – Review

  37. miss cinnamon says:

    My favorite cherries are Bing Cherries, ripe and full to bursting with crimson juice. In the summer, I love to sit down to indulge in a big bowl of freshly washed summer cherries with my lover, but each time, we make a mess. Maybe it’s because he likes to play with me while he plays with his food. Maybe it’s because juice escapes my lips and dribbles down my chin and onto my blouse when he does something interesting with his fingers pressed hard against my body. But sooner or later, we find ourselves sticky and in need of a good shower.

    It’s a good thing that the Cherries Jubilee is easy to clean, because we love to make a mess.

  38. chantal says:

    I had a lover when I was just barely 18 who had two tattoos on her breasts. From each of her nipples, a pale green stem arched delicately up the curve of her breast, ending in two of the most lovingly rendered leaves you’ve ever seen. Her nipples were the cherries, and oh, how sweet they were. I spent hours playing with the buds of her nipples, making them hard with my tongue and my teeth. She loved to be bitten gently, for me to just set my teeth against her nipples and pull my head back ever so slightly. She knew how addicted I was to eating her sweet cherries and one day she surprised me by taking to a farm located about 20km outside of town. There, we picked cherries and fed them to each other. She had brought a blanket, and I spread it on the ground in the middle of the orchard. We made love in the warm summer sun, eating cherries all the while. Our bodies were stained red and sticky afterwards, but it was worth it.

  39. fern chasida says:

    cherries are sexy because they’re blood red, the color of life, flowing thru your veins.

  40. Cherries are curved and juicy, like a woman. A sweet symbol of innocence. And red like the most arousing color of toenail polish. How much sexier can you get?

    Zeitgeist_the_Clown’s last blog post..L.O.V.E. Fantasies

  1. January 21, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway […]

  2. January 21, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway […]

  3. January 21, 2009

    […] win the Cherries Jubilee Glass Dildo!  What do you have to do to win?  Just post a comment on the original post telling my why Cherries are Sexy, Pop My Cherry is Sexy or Pink Cherry is Sexy.  Easy […]

  4. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  5. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  6. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  7. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  8. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  9. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  10. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  11. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  12. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  13. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  14. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  15. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  16. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  17. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  18. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  19. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  20. January 27, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  21. January 27, 2009

    […] & smut shop sales girl, lifestyle dominatrix, filmmaker and photographer.”  She has a review of this lovely toy and a contest to win one (leave a comment, random drawing) as a Valentine’s Day […]

  22. January 31, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  23. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  24. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  25. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  26. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  27. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  28. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  29. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  30. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  31. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  32. February 3, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  33. February 4, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  34. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  35. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  36. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  37. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  38. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  39. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  40. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  41. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  42. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  43. February 10, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  44. February 11, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  45. February 11, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  46. February 16, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Contest is over and it was a big success.  I received over  100 entries, including those posted as […]

  47. March 7, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  48. March 7, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  49. March 7, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  50. June 23, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  51. August 13, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

  52. August 13, 2009

    […] The Cherries are Sexy Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Deadline: Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2009. […]

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