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Woman on Fire Book by Amy Jo Goddard


I’ve been a huge fan of Amy Jo Goddard for a while and recently have had the opportunity to review her new book: Woman on Fire: 9 Elements to Wake Up Your Erotic Energy, Personal Power, and Sexual Intelligence“.

AmyJoGoddard cr. SharieCohenPhotography©Amy Jo is a Sexual Empowerment Coach who works with women and couples who want sexually vibrant lives and fulfilling relationships.  She has twenty years experience in the field of sexuality and has worked with 1000s of people via her programs, workshops and private practice.  She even offers many free webinars and low cost programs online so more people can have access to and benefit from her teachings.  Check out her site at for information about her upcoming workshops.

Mini Review of “Woman on Fire”
“Amy Jo Goddard’s new book Woman on Fire is a Phoenix of sexual empowerment rising from the cultural ashes of sexual shame to allow women to claim their power and erotic energy so they can emerge as whole beings who are ‘not broken’.

Throughout Amy Jo Goddard’s career as a sex educator and sexual empowerment coach, she has met countless women who thought they were sexually “broken”. Her message to them is that they are ‘NOT broken’ and this book offers them the resources, sex education, and skills they need to release shame and become empowered.

This is not just a book of sex tips. It is an entire philosophy intended to weave the tattered threads of our individual (and cultural) sexuality into a complete and beautiful tapestry of self-actualization and wholeness.

If you feel you are sexually ‘broken’, then this is the book for you. It will help you find the tools and resources you need to cultivate your sexual brilliance and learn to burn brightly like a ‘Woman on Fire’.”

Photo of Amy Jo Goddard by Sharie Cohen Photography.

READ my entire review at and enter to win a copy of Amy Jo’s book!


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