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It seems it doesn’t take long once you get into BDSM to gather together a collection of interesting and entertaining toys. Or it certainly didn’t take us very long but maybe we were just exceptionally keen converts!

Our toy collection lives in a (reasonably) large chest by the side of the bed, my side of the bed. I’m the top so I control the toy chest, it just feels right that way. It has compartments for easy access and I try to keep everything roughly in it’s place. There have been a couple of clear outs, some items have been discarded to make space and because they were broken or didn’t get used. Other items have been added, brand new ones that we ‘discovered’ or alternatives to existing toys.

The toy box contains a mixture of delights, some more popular than others. My cocks live in there and although I don’t consider them toys I have to keep these extensions of myself somewhere away from prying eyes. There is also lube, massage bars and spare batteries, supplementary items that may not count as toys but do play an important part in the life of a toy box. There are a few vibrators of varying shapes and sizes but a definite favourite that always performs exceptionally well and meets it’s objectives with ease.

Our bondage equipment consists of leather cuffs for both ankles and wrists. We struck it lucky on the first attempt when buying these. They are black leather with silver buckles and very good quality. We’ve been using them for over two years and they are going to last a whole lot longer. They feel good, look good and compliment the flesh they are wrapped round so beautifully.

There is also rope, a couple of different lengths and colours. I love rope but don’t find enough time to practice my (limited) skills in this area or learn new ones. We would benefit from more rope, it’s probably the only thing that would really enhance the overall deliciousness of our collection. There is a smattering of other bondage equipment, a couple of long leather belts that go so well with the cuffs, and a spreader bar. I’m particularly proud of the spreader bar because we made it, and I wrapped it carefully in rope so it has a delightful texture.

Then there are the impact toys, each with it’s own special place in my heart. A feather which perhaps wouldn’t be classed as an impact toy but there is no doubt that it has it’s uses.The paddles because of their girth and ability to affect a large area in one go. Floggers, both rubber suede  because they can be wielded with force and they spread wide as they strike. The crop because I enjoy it’s length, the way it feels of it in my hand and it was the first of it’s kind. And finally the cane because it’s potential for viciousness overwhelms me slightly and it’s effect is impressive.

There are also some items that are specifically used when we go to spend some quality time in a hotel. We have some door jams, a very handy little kit which fits to any door providing perfect upright bondage without damaging the hotel bathroom door. We also have some long bungee cords which are ideal for stretching under a bed again without the risk of damage to furniture that doesn’t belong to us.

I am extremely happy with our toy collection. It has variety, its has scope and it has a certain style. It is by no means the most extensive toy collection but each item has its place and purpose. It is a joy for me to behold it and contemplate the possibilities of all the individual components alone or combined with others. It will evolve, it will change and it will no doubt grow. It’s existence is physical proof of how far we have come in this BDSM journey, and it will continue reflect our journey for many years to come. How could I not love the contents of that chest by the bed?

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1 Response

  1. Domina Doll says:

    I want your toy chest! My toys are so unorganized! Arggghhh! Or maybe I just need a nice toy wench to organize them for me?

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