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Tickle your ass with a feather?

Thank you to VibeReview for the Body Tickler Ostrich Feather to review.  Since not much can be said about a feather in a review except that it feels good and can be used for sensation play, and that this one is quite nice, very thick and plumey, I am going to leave your with this joke I remembered about feathers.


One day there was this drunk man sitting at the local bar, doing what he does best, getting drunk.  He had been sitting there all day, just watching the people when he saw a young man walk up to a woman and whisper, “Tickle your ass with a feather?” The woman quickly spun around quite offended and said, “WHAT?!” The man simply replied, “I said, nice day, except for the weather?” The woman relaxed a bit and said, “Well, yes it is!” A few moments later, the young man took her upstairs to the hotel rooms.

About a half an hour later, the young man was back, and went up to another woman, “Tickle your ass with a feather?” “Excuse me!?” the woman replied. The man again replied, “”I said, nice day, except for the weather?” The woman agreed and a few minutes later, went upstairs with the young man.

Well, the old drunk had been watching these goings-ons and decided that the young man had a sure-fire pick-up line that couldn’t go wrong.  He ought to try it thought.  So he stumbled up to the nearest woman, a big smile on his face and said, “Shove a feather up your arse?”  The woman turned around and said, “What?!!”  The drunk quickly replied, “Some fucking cold!”


So, whether you want to tickle your ass with a feather of shove it up your butt, visit VibeReview for the sexiest  Body Tickler Ostrich Feathers to play with.  Did I mention they are fun for sensation play as well 🙂  These are super soft and come in various hot colors to satisfy your inner fashionista!

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18 Responses

  1. Xavi says:

    The joke actually goes a bit differently. Instead of “I said, nice day, except for the weather?” the gent is meant to say “typical nasty weather.”

  2. admin says:

    Actually Xavi, that is the way I’ve heard it although I do know there are several different versions of the same joke, depending on where you live and who is telling it. Thanks!

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  11. April 7, 2009

    […] Body Tickler Ostrich Feather by Domina Doll […]

  12. April 7, 2009

    […] Body Tickler Ostrich Feather by Domina Doll […]

  13. April 7, 2009

    […] Body Tickler Ostrich Feather by Domina Doll […]

  14. April 7, 2009

    […] Body Tickler Ostrich Feather by Domina Doll […]

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