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“The Ultimate Guide to Orgasm For Women” Erotic Reading Review

"The Ultimate Guide to Orgasm For Women"The Ultimate Guide to Orgasm for Women“, a book written by Mikaya Heart and published by Cleis Press, is a 248 page paperbook book about the female orgasm. Stylized in the traditional Cleis Press style, this book features a lot of information about the female orgasm as well as reader’s personal experiences with orgasm and what orgasm means to them.

To give you an idea about what’s in the book, here’s the general table of contents:
Chapter One: Sexual Play
Chapter Two: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why
Chapter Three: The Physical Experience of Orgasm
Chapter Four: The Energetic Experience of Orgasm
Chapter Five: The Spiritual Experience of Orgasm
Chapter Six: The Elusive Orgasm
Chapter Seven: Early Sexual Experiences
Chapter Eight: Relationships
Chapter Nine: Penetration and the G-Spot
Chapter Ten: Ejaculation, Fisting, and Anal Sex
Chapter Eleven: The Purpose of Orgasm

I was kinda surprised by the turn this book took. Granted, I wasn’t exactly sure how you could write 248 pages PURELY on how to have an orgasm, so I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised about how the book went. However, it felt more like a book of “exploration of the idea of orgasm” versus a how-to guide about “how to orgasm”. Which is definitely unique, and I’ll admit, it’s something that was enjoyable to read, too. I just was expecting more of a step-by-step type of thing to how to have orgasms, and the book is more about Mikaya Heart exploring what orgasm is, how some women achieve orgasm, what feels good for others, and things that are related to orgasm.

So while I must admit that I didn’t feel like the book was the most helpful for trying to teach you how to orgasm if you were expecting a step-by-step guide, the book does do an interesting analysis and give you some good ideas. I usually find the “here’s the generic recipe to make yourself orgasm” guides to be kinda cheesy, so I’m not sure how I expected this book to “win” against my expectations. But it didn’t quite provide the “Ultimate Guide” as I was expecting, but it DID provide the “Ultimate Look” at orgasm.

I think what kept it as more of a analysis of orgasm was the fact that there was a LOT of reader opinion’s scattered in the book. Mikaya Heart did a survey of women, and she included a lot of their answers in the book about what they enjoyed, how they reached orgasm, how orgasm felt, and everything. As the experience of orgasm is really a personal experience and everyone is different, this totally makes sense. But in the end, it comes together to mostly seem like a book that gives you a good idea of what works for some women and give you ideas about what to try for yourself. In some ways, this vague exploration of orgasm probably works better for the vast majority of women because it isn’t presenting a “one way fits all” type of approach. At the same time, I’m sure the women who want help orgasming were hoping for a step-by-step guide, but I think this way may work better for most.

The book did get a bit more “step-by-step” towards the later chapters. Especially in the chapters about the g-spot and female ejaculation, the book got a bit more informative and talked more about how to stimulate the g-spot and how most women achieve female ejaculation. It still wasn’t a step-by-step approach like other g-spot books take, but it has a lot more helpful, direct tips that will work for most.

Something to note: As Mikaya Heart herself isn’t heterosexual, the book itself isn’t either. There’s a lot of mentions of lesbian relationships as well as heterosexual relationships. So the book is very open and forthcoming about orgasms from both types of relationships.

So as long as you aren’t expecting a huge “step-by-step” approach to reaching orgasm from “The Ultimate Guide to Orgasm for Women”, the book is a really good read. It’ll explore the idea of how orgasm goes for many people, and in turn, you can try and apply those things to your own life. The book is interesting to read, and Mikaya Heart did a good job of being non-judgemental and open to all different types and methods of sexuality. Thanks to Cleis Press for providing this how-to book for orgasm.

The Erotic Reading Review is a regular column written by Kayla. This column brings you reviews over erotica, instructional, and other types of sex-related books.

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