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Alumina Revolve Dildo 1

Alumina Revolve Dildo

The Alumina Revolve Dildo is a fantastic idea.  What is it?  Well, it is a double-ended dildo made from aeronautical-grade aluminum that is anodized so it will not corrode or wear.  These cool dildos screw apart in the middle so you can attach either end to another dildo in the...

Dragon Tongue Dildo 8

Dragon Tongue Dildo

So.  It is weird toy month, and to continue on with the theme, I have a few more very strange sex toys indeed this week for review.  The first is the fabulous phantasmagoria Dragon’s Tongue by Bad Dragon ( Bad Dragon is a US company with a workshop in Arizona...

My Sex Toy Shop 0

My Sex Toy Shop

Welcome to Pop My Cherry Sex Toy Shop! Click the banner to enter my shop I have created my own online store linking to some products that I have reviewed and recommend.  So, in addition to buying products directly from my reviews at various shops, you can now also purchase...