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Incoqnito Leather Hand Cuffs 4

Incoqnito Leather Hand Cuffs

I am always super excited when I find a chic new sexuality shop to review for.  The Pleasure Galaxie has everything I look for in a sex shop: unique product selection with an emphasis on body and earth-friendly items; competitive and affordable prices even on their luxury toys; an educated,...

Luxury Crystal Glass Dildos by Shiri Zinn 13

Luxury Crystal Glass Dildos by Shiri Zinn

© Swarovski Glass Range – Amber Piece by www.Shiri This is the last of my luxury sex toy reviews for this year.  Of course, no luxury sex toy list would be complete without something by Shiri Zinn. In the world of sex toys there are luxury pleasure objects like...

JimmyJanes Little Chroma 12

JimmyJanes Little Chroma

I’ve had the opportunity to try a couple of vibrators by sex toy designers JimmyJane, and like the Iconic Pocket [my review] and Form 6 [my review], the Little Chroma features top-of-the-line quality and craftsmanship.  This elegant cigar-shaped vibrator (for when a cigar is more than just a cigar), measures...

Better Than Chocolate by Nomi Tang 5

Better Than Chocolate by Nomi Tang

Pop Quiz.  What is the popular new luxury vibrator that is flying off sex shops shelves? The “Better Than Chocolate” clitoral vibrator by Nomi Tang. Women have long compared the endorphin effects of eating chocolate to orgasm and sex.  Is sex better than chocolate?  For me, I would have to...

Sexy Gothic Coffins 0

Sexy Gothic Coffins

Need a coffin for Halloween, or as a special accent piece for the living room?  Planning to die young and leave a good-looking corpse?  Then these designer hardwood coffins by Italian coffin manufacturer CofaniFunebrimay be just what you are looking for. Check out their 2010 calendar featuring sexy gothic models...