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adult toys

Black Studded Mary Janes with Handcuffs 0

Black Studded Mary Janes with Handcuffs

I admit it.  I’m a shoe-o-holic.  While I’m no Imelda Marcos with over 3000 pairs of shoes (how would you ever wear them all?), I am a fetish shoe fashionista.  Sexy, well-made chic shoes are often hard to find.  Adult stores often don’t carry shoes and if they do, they...

Tunti Illuminating Boudoir Toybox 7

Tunti Illuminating Boudoir Toybox

The Tunti Illuminating Boudoir Toybox is so cool.  It is a hard case toy box for your adult toys that lights up.  Open the box and you can line your favorite toys up like they are on a stage under a row of little LED lights and let the fun...