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Swingers – The Dating Sites


So you are interested in the swinging lifestyle and not sure where to find like-minded people, like yourself?  Or maybe you are just curious to know how we like to have fun?  The quickest and easiest way to do it is online.  Just like single ‘vanilla’ people, swingers are often looking to meet new people and make new ‘friends’.  There are a number of sites out there that cater to the swinger community.  Here are some of the more popular ones:

Kasidie has just moved up to the #3 swingers site – and for good reason.  What started off as a lifestyle magazine has quickly grown into the best swingers site (in this author’s humble opinion).   It is chock full of features and the layout is done quite well.   The company is based out of Las Vegas and they promote lots of gatherings, parties and events in the City of Sin.  But, they are definitely NOT Vegas-centric.  There are members from every corner of the world.  In most of the major cities, there event hosts that promote local parties that are exclusively found via Kasidie.  I love the communities function that lets you find the parties and events.
The caliber of members can be defined simply as H-O-T hot!  Certainly not a shy group of people – the photos speak for themselves.  And of course, they are single male friendly.
Another nice feature for the traveling types is that you can update your profile so that your current location is displayed.  So on the next business (or pleasure) trip, you can be a local for the weekend.

SDC is currently #2 in the swingers dating space.  They have been up and running since 1999 and have over 2 million profiles on their site.  Like the others, they are hooked into the local scene and allow users to find out what is happening in their hometown.

AFF gets the most traffic out of any.  Altought its more like a dating site for the sexually adventurous and those looking for a  hook up, there is a large presence of swingers on here.  It includes a live member webcam feature (which I check out often).

According to the latest numbers, SwingLifeStyle is the number 1 swingers website.  Though they have the quantity – and a good number of quality members, Im not a big fan of the site layout.  It’s a bit clunky and not especially aesthetically pleasing.

Boasting 2+ million profiles, self-described as ‘the most authentic swingers community in the world’ and recently acquired by Ashley Madison, these guys are doing something right.

All of these sites provide a free introductory offer that allows you browse the common features and check out the beautiful people of the swinging lifestyle.  Kasidie is free to join and when you do – you get upgraded to elite status during your trial period, which gives you access to additional features.  SDC has a seven day free trial.  So don’t be shy, nobody will bite – unless of course you want them to!  Our account on Kasidie is ‘swingtastic’.  If you do sign up for an account, make sure to say hello.

And don’t forget, swingers love sex toys.  Check out the full-line of sex toys on Swingtastic Toys (

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2 Responses

  1. Domina Doll says:

    Nice! I will definitely have to check these out! Thanks for the tips 🙂

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