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Sex Toy Story Video Spoof

I found this video a while ago and have been meaning to put it up.  It is so funny, I love it!  Based on the kids film Toy Story, this is Sex Toy Story video spoof.  So… Are your favorite sex toys vibrators or dildos?  Which one can’t you live without?

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2 Responses

  1. MissMar says:

    I think I saw this on a writing forum site and I had to see it for myself. The next time I watch Toy Story, my mind is going to go back to that one.
    .-= MissMar´s last blog ..Talk Dirty British To Me =-.

  1. April 8, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by dominadoll. dominadoll said: New Post! Sex Toy Story Video Spoof: – […]

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