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Pussy Power: 5 Ways to Empower & Embody Your Pussy Power!

Photo from Pexels

Your pussy/yoni/vulva/vagina is the POWER source to life energy, your erotic brain which holds your ESSENCE and feminine power to create. So, of course you want to keep your pussy happy, powerful and a-livened every day, by doing a few simple, but activating practices.

  1. Pussy Self-Love

Your pussy is a beautiful, unique work of art! She her some love and gratitude, by giving her praise for her beauty and life-giving manifesting energy. Pussies come in all shapes and sizes, as well as colors. Often when women look at their own vulvas they wonder if it is normal. But, there is not normal. Like a unique and delicate flower, ever vulva is different. Some are chubby, some are slim, some have hair, so are naked, some have big clits, some have slim lips, large lips, no lips, hanging lips and some are voluptuous, like these exclusive fat pussy photos from Pornpics, where you will see a variety of shapes and sizes of vulvas.

To honor your own pussy, you can use a mirror and a flashlight and pussy gaze (look at your pussy) with affection , self-love, reverence and no judgement. When you are gazing at your pussy say positive affirmations like: “Thank you pussy/ vulva [insert you name for her here] for giving me pleasure and being the source of my manifesting power. You are beautiful!  I love you!” This may seem weird at first and may take some practice, but basically fake it until you believe it and start developing self-love for your beautiful PUSSY!

2. Pussy Massage

Try a pussy or Yoni Self-Massage: You can do this for 5 mins or more. Use coconut oil, or almond oil, or a natural water based lubricant. Start by massaging your inner thighs, mound of Venus, outer and inner labia. Slowly and sensually massage you clitoris and vulva, U-spot (above the urethra opening) to the perineum. You can even slightly enter the vaginal opening, the introitus, and the top belly side of the vaginal canal (the G-spot) just to awaken and a-liven your sexual energy and power. Breathe slow and deep, and cycle the orgasmic energy and pleasure through your body by visualizing it flow up through you. Use your voice and sound to help the energy flow and intensify. The goal is not to orgasm (although you can do that if you like) but to alight the fire within you, so you can live in that radiance all day long.

3. Weekly Sacred Self-Pleasure Ritual

Create your own weekly Sacred Self-Pleasure Ritual. This combines masturbation with meditation, where you set an intention for what you want to create, or how you want to feel/be, and self pleasure yourself for as long as you like, your breasts, your vulva and vagina, and allow yourself to experience an altered state of pleasure and bliss for an extended period of time. Take one hour a week (or more often if you like, such as a daily practice) and give yourself this gift to awaken your sacred essence and give her life!

4. Sexy Squeezes

Sexy squeezes help to a-liven your pussy’s powerful sexual energy. To do this you simply squeeze and relax your pussy muscles slowly and intently. Make sure to do the relax part, as you want to make your pussy flexible as well as powerful. You can do this with a jade egg practice, or simply using your PC muscle, squeezing your vaginal opening, and then the inner canal, paying attention to each area, and then fully releasing.  Try it for just 5 minutes a few times a day. You can also do this laying down, and pump your hips while doing so, as part of your self-pleasure ritual!

5. Let her go naked:

Get naked and let your yoni out for fresh air and sunshine when you can. Get back to nature, embrace your inner wild woman, go skinny dipping, yoni sun bathing, full moon bathing, take a sensual bath, get naked and #freeyourpussy !

So, that’s it! Enjoy these 5 ways to empower your pussy with embodiment practices and show here some love. She will thank you later!

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