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Milkmaid Dildo by Studio Oooms

I saw this lovely ceramic dildo a while back and just had to have one it is so beautiful.  It is the Milkmaid Dildo by Studio Oooms a design-centric studio in the Netherlands that creates unique objects d-art.  This dildo (the only one Oooms makes) was commissioned by the Dutch souvenir projects as tongue-and-cheek keepsake that a tourist might bring home with them as a memento.  It features the “innocent” image of a milkmaid inspired by Johannes Vermeer famous painting “Het Melkmeisje” (The Milkmaid).  This Delftblue (Delfware) ceramic dildo is meant to be more of a show/conversation piece for your mantel rather than for practical use.  It comes with a small disclaimer saying it “should be considered as art objects with no specific function”, i.e.: that is sexual.  However, it is also very practical and usable (see below!)

The Milkmaid dildo is hollow and has a cork at the bottom plugging the end, much like an old-fashioned salt shaker.  I immediately wondered why it was built this way and thought perhaps the dildo was supposed to be filled with hot water to warm it up for use.  So, I tried this and the ceramic did warm up nicely and the cork prevented it from leaking.  I didn’t use it this way though, as I didn’t want to keep water in such a beautiful work of art for long.  The hollowed out length of the dildo is large enough to insert a very slim vibrator, so you could potentially turn this into a vibrating dildo.  I didn’t have anything slim enough to try this out, as my Pocket Rocket was even too thick and I worried about damaging it with hard vibrating plastic.

The Milkmaid has a substantial length of 8.7 inches and a 1.4 inch girth.  So it is quite formidable.  It really filled me up well, yet didn’t feel uncomfortable because of the smooth slick surface.  The ceramic has a very similar feeling to that of glass, yet slightly (almost imperceptibly) different, which is impossible to articulate unless you’ve felt the difference yourself. The cool smoothness felt amazing inside me, each stroke like a long drink of cool water, yet solid and resistant.

The Milkmaid Dildo is not only a “beautiful object d’art” but also a practical and wonderful feeling dildo as well.  If you love the feel of glass and ceramic dildos, the Milkmaid is sure to please.  And, once you are finished pleasuring yourself, you can put it up for display!

You can purchase the Milkmaid Dildo from Studio Oooms for yourself or an admirer of erotic art.  This item is sure to make a statement!

Previously Published in The Sex Carnival

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1 Response

  1. April 10, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by dominadoll. dominadoll said: New Post! Milkmaid Dildo by Studio Oooms: – […]

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