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Interview with Shine Louise Houston

If you’re reading this column and you don’t know who Shine Louise Houston is then you must be living in a cave. She’s one of the biggest groundbreaking porn directors of our time with many movies and two websites under her belt. All of which I highly recommend. It was truly an honor to get to interview her for this column.

Because of her tight schedule, Shine chose to share an audio response to the questions sent to her and unfortunately it cut out at the end so we don’t get to hear her full answer to the last question. But I think it lends to a new dynamic for this column getting to hear the interviewee’s voice and see samples of their work. All pictures are from CrashPadSeries and HeavenlySpire.

This is my first time ever making a video so be nice.

Ethical Pornographer Interview with Shine Louise Houston on YouTube

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