This could be a life changer for you!
Dear [firstname],
In about 20 seconds, you’ll know why you just opened this email.
Do you desire to Channel Your Inner Feminine Badass? Make Money Fall In Love With You? Live Life Lusciously? Rock your Mojo? Feel Vibrant? Live Fearlessly?
Turn Obstacles Into Stepping Stones?
Then you will definitely want to check out the Healthy Passionate Women World Summit where the world’s top expert women will share their knowledge and practical tools with you so you can experience profound transformation in your life, all for FREE. Get access to this value-packed, online event at no cost.
Check it out!

I’m about to give you access to something that is empowering, life-changing, and F*REE.
15 of the world’s most Healthy and Passionate women will reveal how they:
*Make self-care a top priority
*Faced overwhelm, burnout & stagnation
*Struggled with fear & self-doubt
*Discovered & followed their passions
*Tuned into their inner wisdom & grace
*Keep fulfilling relationships with partners, family & friends
They are unveiling the 1st ever Healthy Passionate Women World Summit,
a gathering of women who are creating a NEW MODEL of living life to the fullest – one that you may not even know about.
When you register today, you’ll get F*REE access to all 15 juicy interviews with these inspiring women!
“I have been on a mission lately to empower myself by surrounding myself with high energy, passionate women who are changing their lives and living their dreams.
This F*REE Summit is helping me fulfill that mission, so I can learn how to become inspired, empowered and live the life I’ve always dreamed of.
I am inviting YOU and all of my friends to come experience this inspiring series of seminars so YOU too can live your dream!”
If you’re like most women I know, you’re feeling called to RISE!
You can sense an untapped potential to create a life of deep meaning, connection, love, creativity, and prosperity aligned with your deepest values and contribution to others and our world.
And if you’re like most women, you’re also not quite sure how to fully access this deep source of creative power that you know is there inside you—in spite of the work you’ve done on yourself or the success that you’ve achieved so far.
The Healthy Passionate Women’s World Summit is an online event with the sole purpose of giving you the knowledge, wisdom and tools you need to
embody the unlimited and powerful being that you are.
If you’re feeling exhausted, frustrated and ready for MORE, you’ll really want to come see what this is all about.
During this FREE EVENT the world’s top expert women are devoted to sharing their knowledge and practical tools with you so you can experience
profound transformation in your life.
Learn more and receive F*REE instant access.
I invite you to take this step now, not only for yourself – but for the world that is calling you to live your best life.
The experts in the Healthy Passionate Women World Summit are generously donating their time so you can experience the transformation you need to realize all your dreams.
Get access to this value-packed, online event at no cost.
All you need is a phone or computer to participate from anywhere in the world.
The entire event is happening NOW.
It’s going to fill up quickly, so I encourage you to grab your spot now:
Now you know JUST why you got this email today, don’t you? 😉
P.S. Do you have other women in your life you love and care about? Be sure to forward this on to them so they don’t miss out on this incredible event.
P.P.S. Did I mention it is F*REE?!!
What are you waiting for? Today is the first day in the rest of your life and there is no time like the present!
Check it our now!