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Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest

I have a new sex toys contest giveaway that you can enter to win!  Just this week I reviewed a new vibrator, the Fairy Pocket Mini USB from  You can read my review of it here.  I think it is a fantastic vibe and I think you will too.

To enter, simply submit a comment on this post telling me why you have to have this vibe.  For extra entries you can also:

Follow @My_Pleasure on Twitter and Retweet the contest:

“Win a Fairy Pocket Mini USB Vibe from @DominaDoll & @My_Pleasure! ”

One lucky person will be chosen randomly from all the entries to win a  Fairy Pocket Mini USB from shipped directly to you.  So make sure you are okay with giving away your address if you win.

Contest will run from July 1st 2010 – July 7th 2010 at 12pm PST.

Contest is open to US residents only (sorry).

Good Luck!

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58 Responses

  1. Following you on Twitter as TruePleasures!
    .-= True Pleasures´s last blog ..Sex Toys Vs Sex with Hubby =-.

  2. Kayla says:

    I want it because I have a vibe that recharges by USB, but I’ve never even *seen* a massager that does it. I’d love to own this one! 🙂
    .-= Kayla´s last blog ..Maxine X Rox Bent Pink Graduate Review =-.

  3. I’d love a USB charged massager–I’ve never used one and this sounds perfectly small to be hidden easily in college-life!

  4. Chelsea says:

    I would love to have one of these! I’ve loved my Hitachi for years, but it’s SO LOUD. My mother has moved in with me and my husband and she insisted on taking the bedroom right above ours. It’s really cramping my style!
    .-= Chelsea´s last blog ..Old Photos =-.

  5. Tanya says:

    I’d loooooove a small vibrator that has decent power despite the size. The USB feature is an extra plus:)!!

  6. mistressG says:

    I would like to win this because I have never owned a USB chargeable vibe! I think that’s insane, and I want it lol

  7. mistressG says:

    following on twitter & tweeted:

  8. JoyceC says:

    I have been seaching for a vibe like this one!! I think it sounds fantastic!!

  9. JoyceC says:

    Now following you on Twitter as Sparkle8. And retweeted the contest.

  10. Valynn says:

    Ooh, I want a toy that I can recharge via USB! And it looks so cute!

  11. Andrea says:

    I want it because I am desperately in need of a new vibrator, the old ones just aren’t doing it for me anymore.

  12. Kate says:

    I want to win this because, well, it sounds awesome! Who doesn’t want a magic wand for grownups?! Plus, the USB charging thing sounds pretty creative and cool.

    kate.the.winner (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. Kathryn says:

    A small vibe/massager with decent power and can charger while I read blogs sounds awesome plus the size is important for stashing it. I follow on twitter as @akinkydichotomy

    Thanks for the chance to win

  14. Splendwhore says:

    I want this vibrator because I have & love the Fairy Mini, and would love to add the pocket version to my collection! Also, anything that recharges via USB makes me geek out just a bit, and that’s worth something. ^_~

  15. I need to have this vibe because I am obsessed with massager/wand vibes and I want to own every one they make!

    Following you on Twitter as @britisshameless
    .-= Britni TheVadgeWig´s last blog ..Mommy =-.

  16. Missy says:

    I’d love to have this because I have been wanting a wand vibe for my back and shoulders! The face that I can recharge it, and use it for more than just my back makes me want it even more!
    .-= Missy´s last blog ..Wishful Wednesday 11 SinFive =-.

  17. Violet says:

    I work & live chained to my laptop, I want to win so I can play chained to my laptop
    .-= Violet´s last blog ..Pleasurists 85 =-.

  18. Violet says:

    Sorry for the double comment – Id try to blane my computer, but think it was my own stupidity.
    .-= Violet´s last blog ..Pleasurists 85 =-.

  19. CLP says:

    I would LOVE to try out the Mini Fairy USB. I’m yet to try out these style vibes (next item up on my list!) and have been looking at the Fairy line in particular, due to the scroll wheel/slider vibration controls.
    Thanks!! 😀

  20. better late than never says:

    I NEED it because it’s small and quiet and rechargeable! Pretty please??

  21. Faete says:

    Ooh I would LOVE this! Since I work on webcam, having a vibe which recharges via USB would be AWESOME!

  22. Trix says:

    I’ve never tried a wand-style vibrator, and I’ve heard raves about this one. Plus, the USB recharging sounds so clever. Thanks!

  23. Timbo says:

    My girl and I have been looking for something more intense for her to experience, and from what we’ve read, wand vibes have quite a lot to offer in that regard 😀 I think we’d love to have these to see where it takes us 😉

  24. Timbo says:

    I am following My Pleasure on Twitter 😀


    and I just tweeted this giveaway here 😀

  25. pengboo says:

    I so need this vibe. My husband proudly admits to being a computer nerd. I would love for him to be able to fix me with this vibe instead of just fixing a computer.

  26. Splendwhore says:

    Tweeted July 7th. *Crosses fingers*

  27. nomnom says:

    I need this vibe because I don’t have any like it (YET!) AND it’s USB – so cool.

  1. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  2. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  3. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  4. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  5. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  6. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  7. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  8. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  9. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  10. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  11. July 6, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  12. July 7, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  13. July 7, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  14. July 7, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  15. July 8, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  16. July 8, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  17. July 8, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  18. July 8, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  19. July 10, 2010

    […] Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific. […]

  20. October 9, 2010

    […] it before Sunday July 11th at 11:59pm PDT.Want to win some swag? All you’ve got to do is enter.Fairy Pocket Mini Giveaway Contest Deadline: July 7th @ 12pm Pacific.Win a $50 Gift Card to Eden Fantasys! Deadline: July 8th @ […]

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