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50 Shades of Lust Contest

Ola Readers!

I am hosting a 50 Shades of Lust Valentine’s Contest with the amazing sex toy shop

Recently, Pink Cherry sent me a bunch of toys to review from the 50 Shades of Grey Official Collection.

Here are the reviews:

Insatiable Desire Mini G-Spot Vibrator Review (Pinkcherry link)

Twitchy Palm Spanking Paddle (Pinkcherry link)

The Pinch Nipple Clamps (Pinkcherry link)

Now, they want to give away 3 sex toys of your choice from the 50 Shades of Sex Toys Official Collection at (or .ca if you are in Canada), and all you have to do is enter my contest.

How to Enter:

1. Pick 3 toys from PinkCherry’s website in the 50 Shades of Grey Official Collection and tell me why you want them for Valentine’s Day.  How are you going to use them on your lover (or your lover on you), or a sexy scenario you have planned with your honey if you win them?  How these will spice up your love life and why?  You don’t have to write a novel, one paragraph will do.  Just tell me why you want them and how you will use them.

2. Post in the comments of this post.  Make sure to list the 3 products.  You don’t have to link to them.  Please include your email (it will remain private and I will only share it with Pinkcherry so you can claim your prizes)…

3. Post before January 27th 2014, midnight PST.

Contest starts January 20th and closes January 27th 2014, midnight PST.  Winners will be contacted by January 31st 2014.

Post your comments below and ENTER to WIN!!!!

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3 Responses

  1. kelly says:

    Hard Limits Bed Restraint Kit, ElectroErotic Neon Wand in Purple,Please Sir Flogger are the three things I would |LOVE to have. I am very curious about different things and I would really get turned on if my husband would be able to restrain me to our bed and send me to total submissive state of mind. I love to be controlled and my limits pushed and having some toys that we can learn and enjoy would be all I need for him to him me the ultimate pleasure! We are not able to go shopping with such a busy life and with children, this would be the perfect gift for us both to enjoy!!

  2. pam Garland says:

    Hello Domina Doll~

    I absolutely shivered at the thoughts of winning these great toys. I would love to have the “Something Forbidden Butt Plug” It is something I would want to use all the time…on my own and while engaging in sex with my lover. The “Twitchy Palm Spanking Paddle” is another toy I would enjoy as I love being a bad girl and getting spanked. 😉 The last toy I would like is the “Insatiable Desire Mini G-Spot vibrator…. Again… this would be used those times I am horny and alone…or for added pleasure with my lover(s). I would be a happy little horny girl if I won these!! 🙂 <3

  3. Dean says:

    I’m not sure where to start so let me just say my wife is a fan of the

    50 Shades books. This has helped open her mind and body to trying new


    Unfortunately, I lost my job recently so money has been tight. I

    couldn’t even take my wife out for our anniversary. These toys would be

    something to give ourselves for Valentine’s Day and would help aleviate

    a little stress while having some fun.

    The three items I would like are the following:

    Submit To Me Beginners Bondage Kit
    Pleasure Intensified Anal Beads
    Something Forbidden Butt Plug

    First, I would tie her up and kiss and lick, bite, nibble her body as I

    do so. Taking my time to tease her. This alone would leave her putty

    in my hands and ready for what comes next. I would caress her ass and

    gently brush up against her pussy and clit as I rubbed some lube on and

    just inside her anus in preparation for inserting the beads. Slowly,

    one by one, pushing them deeper. By this time she would be nearing

    climax without me doing much else. Once inserted, I would breathe

    heavily on and lick her clit while lightly tugging on the ring. Not

    removing the beads, just moving them around. This would drive her to

    the brink of climax in seconds so sensing her getting close, I would be

    ready to remove the beads as she came. I would continue to lick her

    clit as the orgasm washed over her while simultaneously removing the

    beads. She would be weak but ready for more so after caressing her for

    a few minutes and allowing her to come down, I would then insert the

    butt plug. Slowly, taking my time to allow her body to conform to it.

    When fully inserted, I would use the paddle on her ass cheeks. Lightly

    at first, then more intense as she got more turned on. Caressing her

    ass with my other hand. As she got more turned on, I would remove the

    butt plug and enter her ass. Being tied up would have her over the

    edge as I slowly entered her. Once firmly in place, I would slowly

    pump in and out as I fingered her clit. It wouldn’t take long before

    both of us reached climax.

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