Njoy Pure Wand
I have been coveting an NJoy Pure Wand ever since I saw Nina Hartley’s “Guide to Female Ejaculation” when Anna Mills squirts copious amounts of girl cum while using this ultimate G-spot wonder toy. Before that, I had squirted on occasion but wasn’t in control of my G-spot orgasms and ejaculations like I am now. Back then, which was only a few months ago, I was in the process of rediscovering that part of my female anatomy and Nina’s guide got me started on the right path. From there I read several books, practiced with the correct “tools” and was off to the races, ejaculation-style.
Since then, I have used several excellent G-spot toys, but, I knew that the Pure Wand was the ultimate in attaining G-spot pleasure. How did I know? Well, first was all the cooing and praise given to it by reviewers. But, I was also aware that the G-spot requires two specific qualities to make it effective: 1) an exaggerated G-spot curve, and 2) a firm material.

As you can see by the photo, the Pure Wand has a very exaggerated curve. This curve is important for effectively hitting the G-spot (rubbing, bumping, grinding and thrusting). The Pure Wand also features two rounded bulbs on each end, one fairly larger than the other. These rounded bulbs are perfectly designed for massaging the G-spot, and is another feature you should look for in a G-spot toy. Pointy tips will not do! The smaller bulb is great for the beginning of your masturbation session and is easily inserted into the vagina while you warm it up. The larger bulb is pretty big and will make you feel completely full. It may be too large for some women actually. I found it a bit of an effort to insert, but once in there it put a pleasurable pounding on my G-spot that left me squirting and shaking. I also preferred the feeling of the larger rounded head to the smaller one against my spot once it was fully sensitive and ballooning with fluid.
The Pure Wand is constructed of medical grade, stainless steel (the kind of steel used in the pins that surgeon’s use to reconnect joints within the body). So you know it is 100% body safe. And, stainless steel is the hardest sex toy material available next to kryptonite. That makes the Pure Wand a perfect material for G-spot play, because as we know, the G-spot prefers hard, firm pressure.
I have read a lot of misconceptions about how to use G-spot toys (specifically dildos) by reviewers and consumers. Many of them state that toys with a very exaggerated curve, like the Pure Wand, make it hard for them to thrust the toy deeply into their vagina. They are exactly right. This is because G-spot toys are not supposed to go much deeper than 2-3 inches inside the vagina. For most women, the G-spot is only 1-2 inches deep. So deep thrusting would actually miss the G-spot entirely. Consequently, for the many women who have tried G-spot curved toys and think they are not working for them because they can’t use them for deep thrusting, I want to clarify that this is not how the toy is intended to be used. Sure, short, hard thrusting can work well, once the G-spot is warmed up and fully aroused, but massaging, rubbing and rocking with the toy will work much better for hitting and pleasuring the G-spot. The Pure Wand, again, is perfectly ergonomically designed to “rock” up and down against the G-spot in a pounding, rubbing movement and is only good for short (1-3 inch) thrusts. Also, its natural weight (24 ounces) makes it easy to use in this motion with its own momentum.
So, stop trying to reach your cervix with a G-spot toy or you will definitely never find that “elusive” spot! And, I don’t say that to be saucy. I say it because I do want women to discover their G-spots and realize the pleasure that G-spot orgasms and female ejaculation can bring. Maybe I should do I work shop on how to use G-spot toys!
Okay. I have almost every type of high quality G-spot toy ever made. How does the Pure Wand compare? It doesn’t. Seriously, the Pure Wand is in a category all by itself. It is the ultimate G-spot wonder toy and is the best G-spot toy I have ever used. It is indeed worthy of all the hype. It took me less than two minutes to squirt and have crazy body-quaking G-spot amazing O’s with the Pure Wand. I also loved the cool feeling of the metal against my vulva and once inserted. The Pure Wand is excellent for temperature play. Some women will not like the cold feeling, which is not a problem as you can heat it up with very warm water before play as well. Finally, the medical grade stainless steel is hypo-allergenic, non-porous and can be easily sterilized in boiling water if you plan to share it with your friends-with-benefits. The Pure Wand comes in a sexy black box with hot pink satin lining, so also makes an ideal gift and sexy AF!