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“Girls Who Bite” Erotica Book Review

Girls Who Bite

The Girls Who Bite is a erotica anthology edited by Delilah Devlin and published by Cleis Press. The book’s tagline is “lesbian vampire erotica”, and the book features the same editing and design as all Cleis Press erotica books. The book is 225 pages long, and this erotica book features 15 stories. As I’m sure you can realize, that means that most of the stories are much longer than your average erotica short story quickie, so you definitely get some good background for each story. The cover does show two beautiful women near-kissing along with the “lesbian vampire erotica” in pretty large text, so this erotica novel may not be suitable for public reading.

The theme of the book is “lesbian vampire erotica”, and that’s exactly what this erotica book will bring to you. However, Delilah Devlin did a fantastic job of keeping it away from the same-old, same-old. I was afraid all of the stories would just be of two lesbian vampires who happened to meet up and shared blood, but I was pleasantly surprised. Some of the stories involve someone meeting a vampire, others involve being around vampires, and there is just some overall good variety in this lesbian erotica collection. All of the stories do feature a vampire in some capacity, and all of the stories are full-female erotica for the sex. There is a threesome, but the majority of the sex scenes are with twosomes.

I was surprised to find that, for each one of the stories, the rules of “vampire” were different. For some, a vampire was someone who couldn’t go out in the daylight, and in others, the vampire was someone who passed down memories from generation to generation. In others, they had to feed on mortals for blood, and in others, that was actually illegal to do due to vampires being accepted parts of society. It was neat to see all of the mini universes painted with the erotica in all of these collections. Some of the stories were written in a more modern setting while others seemed to be a bit more classic.

As always with Cleis Press books, all of the stories are well-written and well put-together. I didn’t notice any typos, and all of the stories were really high-quality in their writing. Some were a bit more wordy/descriptive than I usually like in my erotica, but that’s really a personal preference more than anything.

I was surprised to find that my favorite stories out of the book weren’t the typical “two vampire lesbians meet up” stories. I liked the ones that involved vampires (and lesbians) in non-traditional ways.

One of my favorites was by Delilah Devlin with “Night at the Wax Museum”. In it, a lesbian, new to the job, is tasked with the nightshift of guarding a wax museum. Those before her only have managed to last a week before, well, disappearing. She feels something moving around her at night, and when the vampire finally reveals herself, the two find that they have a sexual attraction they can’t ignore, and the main character finds herself attempting to free the vampire from the curse that the vampire’s under as well.

Another one of my favorites was “The Crystal Altar” by Adele Dubois. In this, two lesbians are attending the birthday party of one of their cousins, but decide to have some fun in the backseat of their car before then – and they find an affinity for biting. Neither of the girls are the vampire, but there’s certainly a surprise twist for this story.

If you like the idea of reading about lesbian vampires, Girls Who Bite definitely delivers. Some of the stories were a bit too descriptive (with not enough action) for me, but for the most part, the sex was passionate, and the characters and settings were believable enough for me to wish that the story continued on past the last words. Thanks to Cleis Press for sending me Girls Who Bite for my review.

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7 Responses

  1. Thanks for a lovely review! When I sent out the call, I asked for readers to “imagine greater”– I wanted fresh stories and twists. The authors delivered!

  2. Adele Dubois says:

    Thanks so much for your enthusiastic review of GIRLS WHO BITE and the special mention of my short story “The Crystal Altar.” I had the most fun writing this story than I’ve ever had as an author. It’s great to know that my story resonated with readers.

    I hope you’ll look for Delilah Devlin’s 2012 SHE SHIFTERS anthology, in which my short story “She’s Furry Yiffy” appears. This collection of shapeshifter lesbian erotic romance stories promises to be entertaining.


  3. Thanks for a fab review!! Glad you enjoyed Girls Who Bite.

  1. January 19, 2012

    […] For the complete review, go to Pop My Cherry […]

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