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The Tenga Flip Hole is Fantastic!

Review by Heavy Kinkster

The new reusable boy toy, the Tenga Flip Hole is incredible. I have had so much success with it I even tried it on a few friends who also found it totally simulating and it never once failed to create a stir and end with a fantastic ejaculation. It is bulky compared to the other single use units, like the Deep Throat US and some of the smaller Eggs but it is packed with shapes that stimulate every part of the dick from the head down to the base of the shaft. The hollow centre channel allows a dick up to about six and a half inches full exposure to the different sections of the flip hole and the added pressure from pushing any of the three buttons on the outside allows you to pleasure your own specific sexual points on you cock. If you have a sensitive cock head add a little pressure on the top buttons to add extra fiction and if you are like me and love the shaft stroked heavily press the middle buttons and if you want the pressure on the lower shaft to help pump in more blood press the third buttons down especially the back button.

I was impressed with the ease of operation. Unwrap, lift the flip hole out of its retainer, Flip it open add lube and close, return to its retainer upside down or hole side out, slick the outside and slick your dick head just a little and stick you’re cock in as far as it will go slowly withdraw and repeat gradually building speed and rhythm. Once it gets to hot in the room slow things down if you can and stretch out the sensation for as long as you can.  This may be difficult as the spare room in the Flip Hole creates fantastic suction  not too much but plenty for all the little bumpies, triangles, ribs and suck holes to do their thing and make you shot your load every time. I don’t know the science, I just know it feels good and it works.

Check Out this Video to See How it Works!

From what other people say the black version is much more rigid and would be good for those less sensitive guys who need a little more stimulation but I get my mind blown every time I use the white version so it has plenty of smooth sucking action with the head and shaft of my dick becoming over sensitized within the usual three minute cycle that I just have to shoot my load. If I don’t rain it in and let nature take its own course I just barely hang on to the end of the flip hole and stroke my dick trying not to lose my grip but the 30 second after ejaculation is that painfully pleasurable, too much sensation thing but you got to stroke through it if you want the total effect – blows my mind and body every time and I usually end up on my knees or back when done. I had two guys toss me across the room because I continued to stroke their over sensitized dicks after they came. Yes, ladies I used it on other guys. And if you have any rhythm you can too. Drive them wild!!

I have never felt anything like the Flip Hole and I have tried the Fleshlight series and they just don’t compare on any sensation level but if you are over seven inches in length or overly large in girth then the Fleshlight series is for you.  The Flip hole is designed for the millions of regular men with an average dick of 3 to 7 inches. We can’t all be porn stars.

The Flip Hole is expensive as far as masturbators go but it will also last and is easy to clean in mild soap and water and just put it out to dry in the air as long as your mother doesn’t find it. Maybe leave it at your friends place as an excuse to drop over and you ladies on those weeks when you have a headache toss him the Tenga Flip Hole and give him a hand, it will keep him in line and around. It is not as good as the real thing but close. I even heard of a guy who put it between two pillows and used it as a fuck toy.

I would recommend a water based or silicone lube as they will help keep the inner core to stay soft and flexible for over a hundred uses where oil based lubes may react with the inner core to break it down faster and quicken the life of the core and smooth out the edges to make it less stimulating over time.

Check out the Tenga Flip Hole at !

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